List of HTML Tags

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List of HTML tags supported by PD4ML - HTML-to-PDF converter for...

HTML to PDF converter for Java and .NET


Supported HTML tags.

This information is not obliging.

Name <a> Supported Y Supported Attributes class="class name" href="URI for linked resource" id="document-wide unique id" name="name of target location" style="associated style info" title="advisory title" class="class name" id="document-wide unique id" style="associated style info" class="class name" id="document-wide unique id" style="associated style info" class="class name" id="document-wide unique id" style="associated style info" information on author Comments Anchor. Title attribute defines target caption to appear in the PDF bookmarks list.


abbreviated form (e.g. WDVL)



<applet> <area> <b>

N N Y class="class name" id="document-wide unique id" style="associated style info" href="URI for linked resource"

Java applet client-side image map area bold text style

<base> <basefont> <bdo> <big>


document base URI base font size I18N BiDi over-ride

class="class name" id="document-wide unique id" style="associated style info" class="class name" id="document-wide unique id" style="associated style info" background="URL of background image" bgcolor="color name" class="class name" dir="direction for weak/neutral text" id="document-wide unique id" style="associated style info"

large text style


long quotation


document body

<br> <button> <caption> <center>

Y N N Y class="class name" id="document-wide unique id" style="associated style info" class="class name" id="document-wide unique id" style="associated style info" class="class name" id="document-wide unique id" style="associated style info"

forced line break push button table caption shorthand for: div align="center"




computer code fragment

<col> <colgroup>


table column table column group


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08-Mar-14 22:39

List of HTML tags supported by PD4ML - HTML-to-PDF converter for...


class="class name" id="document-wide unique id" style="associated style info" class="class name" id="document-wide unique id" style="associated style info" class="class name" id="document-wide unique id" style="associated style info" class="class name" id="document-wide unique id" style="associated style info" align="left - center - right - justify" class="class name" id="document-wide unique id" style="associated style info" class="class name" id="document-wide unique id" style="associated style info" class="class name" id="document-wide unique id" style="associated style info" class="class name" id="document-wide unique id" style="associated style info"

definition description


deleted text


instance definition


directory list


generic language/style container


definition list


definition term



<fieldset> <font>

N Y class="class name" color="color" face="font name(s)" id="document-wide unique id" size="1-7 ()" style="associated style info"

form control group local change to font

<form> <frame> <frameset> <h1>,<h2>,<h3> <h4>,<h5>,<h6>

Y N N Y align="left - center - right - justify" class="class name" id="document-wide unique id" style="associated style info"

interactive form subwindow window subdivision heading

<head> <hr>

Y Y align="left - center - right" class="class name" id="document-wide unique id" noshade size="pixels" style="associated style info" width="percentage - pixels"

document head horizontal rule

<html> <i>

Y Y class="class name" id="document-wide unique id" style="associated style info"

document root element italic text style

<iframe> <img>

N Y align="left - middle - right - top" border="pixels" class="class name" height="pixels" hspace="pixels" id="document-wide unique id" src="URL of image" style="associated style info" vspace="pixels" width="image width" align="left - middle - right - top" checked class="class name" disabled id="document-wide unique id" size="field size" src="URL of image" style="associated style info" type="input type/text"

inline subwindow embedded image


form control

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08-Mar-14 22:39

List of HTML tags supported by PD4ML - HTML-to-PDF converter for...

value="value" <ins> Y class="class name" id="document-wide unique id" style="associated style info" inserted text

<isindex> <kbd>

N Y class="class name" id="document-wide unique id" style="associated style info" class="class name" id="document-wide unique id" style="associated style info"

single line prompt


form field label text

<legend> <li>

Y Y class="class name" id="document-wide unique id" style="associated style info" type="content type" value="value" href="URI for linked resource" type="content type"

fieldset legend list item

<link> <map> <menu>


a media-independent link client-side image map

class="class name" id="document-wide unique id" style="associated style info"

menu list

<meta> <noframes>


name="author - description - keywords" generic meta information. "description" defines content="text" subject of PDF document class="class name" id="document-wide unique id" style="associated style info" class="class name" id="document-wide unique id" style="associated style info" alternate content container for non frame-based rendering alternate content container for non script-based rendering generic embedded object class="class name" id="document-wide unique id" start="starting sequence number" style="associated style info" type="content type" ordered list


<object> <ol>


<optgroup> <option> <p>

N Y Y selected value="value" align="left - center - right - justify" class="class name" id="document-wide unique id" style="associated style info"

option group selectable choice paragraph

<param> <pre>

N Y class="class name" id="document-wide unique id" style="associated style info" width="width specification"

named property value preformatted text

<q> <s>

N Y class="class name" id="document-wide unique id" style="associated style info" class="class name" id="document-wide unique id" style="associated style info"

short inline quotation strike-through text style


sample program output, scripts, etc.

<script> <select>

N Y class="class name" id="document-wide unique id" size="number" style="associated style info" class="class name" id="document-wide unique id" style="associated style info" class="class name" id="document-wide unique id" style="associated style info"

script statements option selector


small text style


generic language/style container

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08-Mar-14 22:39

List of HTML tags supported by PD4ML - HTML-to-PDF converter for...


class="class name" id="document-wide unique id" style="associated style info" class="class name" id="document-wide unique id" style="associated style info"

strike-through text


strong emphasis

<style> <sub>

Y Y class="class name" id="document-wide unique id" style="associated style info" class="class name" id="document-wide unique id" style="associated style info" align="left - middle - right - top" border="pixels" class="class name" height="pixels" hspace="pixels" id="document-wide unique id" style="associated style info" viewBox="x1 y1 x2 y2" vspace="pixels" width="image width" align="left - center - right" bgcolor="color name" border="pixels" cellpadding="pixels" cellspacing="pixels" frame="parts of frame to render" id="document-wide unique id" rules="rulings between rows and cols" style="associated style info" width="column width specification"

CSS style info. Allowed only in <head> subscript




embedded scalable vector graphics (nested <svg> tags are not allowed)


<tbody> <td>

N Y align="left - center - right - justify" bgcolor="color name" class="class name" id="document-wide unique id" style="associated style info" valign="top - middle - bottom baseline" width="column width specification" class="class name" cols="number" id="document-wide unique id" readonly rows="number" style="associated style info"

table body table data cell


multi-line text field

<tfoot> <th>

N Y align="left - center - right - justify" bgcolor="color name" class="class name" cols="number" height="pixels" id="document-wide unique id" nowrap rows="number" style="associated style info" valign="top - middle - bottom baseline" width="column width specification"

table footer table header cell

<thead> <title> <tr>

N Y Y bgcolor="color name" class="class name" id="document-wide unique id" style="associated style info" class="class name" id="document-wide unique id" style="associated style info" class="class name" id="document-wide unique id" style="associated style info"

table header document title table row


teletype or monospaced text style


underlined text style

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08-Mar-14 22:39

List of HTML tags supported by PD4ML - HTML-to-PDF converter for...


class="class name" id="document-wide unique id" style="associated style info" type="content type" class="class name" id="document-wide unique id" style="associated style info"

unordered list


instance of a variable or program argument

Proprietary tags <pd4ml:attachment> Y description="text description" src="URL of attachment" icon="Graph - PushPin - Paperclip Tag" ifSpaceBelowLessThan= pixels htmlWidth=pixels htmlWidth="reset" pageFormat="rotate" pageFormat="WxH" pageFormat="reset" next="even - odd" pageCounter=pagenum noref embeds external resource as PDF attachment.


forced page break. ifSpaceBelowLessThan allows to suppress the page break if the available space on the current page is more than the specified value. htmlWidth also forces PD4ML to change current htmlWidth (screenWidth) value and to affect HTML-to-PDF scaling factor. reset returns htmlWidth to the initial state. defines HTML-enabled footnote text. By default it leaves an auto incremented footnote index/reference in the place, where the tag defined, and moves the footnote text to the bottom of the current PDF page. noref suppresses the footnote index/reference generation.





allows to define a separator between main content and footnotes. For example: <pd4ml:footnote.caption> <hr noshade height=1 style="margin-bottom: 0"> </pd4ml:footnote.caption>



scope="scope" height="height" width="width" style="associated style info"

defines dynamic PDF page footer. $[page], $[total] and $[title] placeholders are reserved. Affects all subsequent pages. Can be overriden by another footer definition. Scope attribute explicitely predefines pages, where the footer should appear. Example: scope="even,4,8-16,32+,skiplast" Note: distinguish the HTML tag from <pd4ml:footer> JSP custom tag, which is mapped to PD4ML API calls.



scope="scope" height="height" width="width" style="associated style info"

defines dynamic PDF page header. $[page], $[total] and $[title] placeholders are reserved. Affects all subsequent pages. Can be overriden by another header definition. Scope attribute explicitely predefines pages, where the header should appear. Example: scope="odd,5,15-25,45+,skiplast" Note: distinguish the HTML tag from <pd4ml:header> JSP custom tag, which is mapped to PD4ML API calls.




table of contents. pncorr a correction value to add to page numbers

Copyright 2004-14 zefer|org. All rights reserved.

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