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First Conditional 1

1. If that company fails, thousands of workers _____ (lose) their jobs. 2. If I go to rance this summer, I _____ (!isit"undoubtedly) #hartres #athedral. $. %If you use drugs, you _____ (be) sorry sooner or later,% said &r. 'iller. (. If the retailer _____ (sell neg.) enough of our product, he will stop buying from us. ). If the defendant is con!icted, he _____ (appeal"certainly).

If I get bored at the meeting, I _____ (lea!e"probably) early.

*. If I _____ (mo!e) to the suburbs, I will spend an hour commuting each way. +. ,he price of that company-s stock will surely fall if its #./ _____ (go) to prison. 0. 1o!ernment spending _____ (reduce pas.) significantly if the president signs the bill. 2. If that bill _____ (become) law, it will increase the price of a new car by 134.

First Conditional 2

1. If it snows this winter, I _____ (definitely"go) skiing.

2. If your car _____ (be) a lemon, you may be eligible for a refund. $. If you _____ (want) a great body, you are going to ha!e to e5ercise a lot. (. If you _____ (eat neg.) properly, your workouts won-t build muscle. ). If you _____ (take neg.) care of yourself, who will6 *. If you _____ (try) to say a few words in the language of the country you are !isiting, you will enjoy your trip much more. +. ,he walking tour will go on as scheduled, e!en if it _____ (rain). 0. If I win the lottery, I _____ (ask) for a lump7sum payment. 2. If you _____ (keep) playing with matches, you-re going to get burned. 13. I will be !ery surprised if the #ubs _____ (win) the pennant.

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