Afrocoin: Promoting Economic Development With Derivative Currencies

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Promoting Economic Development with Derivative Currencies

The Sub-Economy
Essentially a micro-economy
In need of micro-economic options

A function of the economy as a whole.

What a currency says about you

As a holder of that currency, you are effectively an investor in that currency.

As Bitcoin holders, become in effect investors, true brand loyalty is the result.

Brand loyalty is one of the things I would like to improve as well.

9th Richest Nation in the world


African-Americans Italy

Rubbing shoulders with some of the biggest economies on the planet.

Up until the depression following the roaring twenties, some evidence suggests that the African-American economy achieved significantly better grown than both the White economy, and the greater US economy as a whole.

A few obstacles
Admittedly, theres been a few setbacks and obstacles.
SOME of these factors have contributed to the stifling of entrepreneurship and and the development of cottage industries.
the KKK the KKK oppression oppression pogroms pogroms political gerrymandering political gerrymandering marginalization marginalization reagonomics reagonomics etc.



A Smaller Economy
Which exists as a function of the greater economy Therefore the lure of the greater economy tends to usurp the minority economic development

So unhinge it!

The Derivative Economy

Maintain target sub-economies as

derivative economies


Inefficiency of Single Tier Economy

Nothing I hate more than the inefficiencies created by tongue and cheek economists and their policies.

Let cottage industry return with the help of AfroCoin.

Peg it as a fixed rate or flex rate to Bitcoin.

Many economies have done this: China, HK, Korea, and at one time Japan

100% immediately convertible to Bitcoin
but at a lower denomination

to promote liquidity and get money to bounce internally more frequently and thereby creating more wealth.
And where else are they going to spend this wealth but in the community. and wherever they can spend Bitcoin.

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