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James Hall

(adapted from resources developed at Oakland University)

Name: _________________________________________ Unit Topic Bi i!ea"s# Essential $%estion"s# What are the elements that make up positive and negative incentives, and what are the steps involved in rational decision making? Stan!ar!"s"& Benc'mar("s# Personal Finance

SSEPF1: The student will appl rational decision making to personal spending and saving choices! a!E"plain that people respond to positive and negative incentives in predicta#le wa s! #!$se a rational decision making model to select one option over another! %! %reate a savings or &inancial investment plan &or a &uture goal!

Lesson Plan Starter'(pening) *ine o& %ontention + will ask the students &our ,uestions to which the will have two choices to answer &rom, either agree or disagree! The ,uestions will #e on the #oard as part o& a powerpoint presentation! -&ter the students have picked their answer + will give them a &ew minutes to &igure out their reasoning to their answer! The &our ,uestions: +s high school worth the time and e&&ort? .o ou think ou would #e #etter o&& in the long run i& ou did not come to school? +s going to college worth it even i& ou have to take out student loans? .o ou think ou are prepared to move on in the world a&ter graduation? Estimated time: 1/011 minutes

*earning -ctivities 2 -ssessments'Work Session0 Powerpoint Presentation with note sheet 2 worksheet on incentives + will lead the class through a powerpoint presentation with an accompan ing note sheet to highlight the main points o& the presentation! The presentation will not #e long as + will onl go over 3 slides, which will #e #ene&icial to keep their engagement! Time Estimate: 1/011 minutes -&ter + go over the Powerpoint, + will pass out a worksheet on incentives! The worksheet asks the student to decide whether an incentive is positive or negative, who is o&&ering the incentive, and whether or not it would the incentive would a&&ect their #ehavior 4opportunit cost5! The students will work on the worksheets individuall and once + can tell that all the students have completed the worksheet, we will go over it together as a class! Time Estimate: 1/011 minutes %loser0 Writing activit on what their plans are a&ter high school The writing prompt: What do ou plan on doing a&ter high school? -re these plans #ased o&& &inancial incentives or other incentives? Students are to write 601/ sentences on their 7plan8 a&ter high school! Students are not re,uired to have a concrete plan # an means, #ut the need to put some e&&ort into the assignment &or them to at least #egin to think a#out li&e a&ter high school i& the have not alread ! 1/09/ minutes

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