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James Hall

(adapted from resources developed at Oakland University)

Name: _________________________________________ Unit Topic Bi i!ea"s# Essential $%estion"s# What are the benefits of asset protection? Stan!ar!"s"& Benc'mar("s# Personal Finance

SSEP5:The student will describe how insurance and other risk-management strategies protect against financial loss a !ist "arious t#pes of insurance such as automobile$ health$ life disabilit#$ and propert# b b E%plain the costs and benefits associated with different t#pes of insurance& include deductibles$ premiums$ shared liabilit#$ and asset protection

Lesson Plan Starter'(pening) *iscussion on the +ffordable ,are +ct' (bamacare *uring this starter - want to bring to attention to the +ffordable ,are +ct - want to see how much the students know and - will go o"er some of the highlights of the law - will show two "ideos that discuss one the law (ne of the "ideos highlights the law and the good things it will bring to people The other "ideo$ howe"er$ is of Senator .ohnn# -sakson /0-1a2 and is critical of the law - want to show them two opposing "iew to get multiple perspecti"es on the law and to show them how one of their representati"es feels about the law Time: 35 minutes !earning +cti"ities 4 +ssessments'Work Session-powerpoint presentation o"er the different t#pes of insurance- *isabilit#$ !ife$ 5edical$ +utomobile -6enefits of insurance -note organi7er Time: 89 5inutes

,loser- 1raphic organi7er on the different t#pes of insurance and scenarios about what t#pe of insurance would be needed for an issue Time: 35 minutes

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