Group Progress Report Memo

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To: From: Dr. Mary French Jason Bailey Maria Ramirez Robyn Riojas William Sweeney Group Progress Report on Deliverables for JPS Health Networks Volunteer Program April 2, 2014

Subject: Date:

Our team is currently creating a total of five deliverables for the John Peter Smith (JPS) Health Network Volunteer Program. Our deliverables will be used in the JPS Annual Volunteer Recognition Celebration which will be honoring the former members of the JPS Auxiliary (formerly known as the Womens Auxiliary) as this is their last year active. The event date is May 6th at 5:30 pm in the Garden Room at the main Goodwill center in Fort Worth. We plan to deliver all of the finished products to JPS by or before April 30th as that is the due date assigned in our Technical Writing class by you. Originally we set out to create two deliverables due to a misunderstanding on our part in the assignment requirements. Our established deliverables mentioned in the proposal addressed to you on March 7th 2014 include a PowerPoint presentation and a brochure. We added two different flyers one generic flyer for all volunteers and another salutatory flyer for the Auxiliary and one certificate template to our project schedule. The additions to the project were approved by Sarah Anderson, a supervisor of the JPS Volunteer program. We also took the opportunity to notify her of our current progress. Although we had previously discussed with you about creating a ceremony program as a third deliverable, we decided as a group to go with three smaller deliverables instead to fulfill the minimum requirement. This decision was influenced mainly due to the sake of time but also to ensure that each deliverable is the best quality possible; instead of crudely putting together versions of three major deliverables.

Progress Report
The following includes a detailed account of progress on all deliverables, a table detailing former as well as new delegations for team members, and a chart consisting updated schedule.

Memo to Dr. French


April 2, 2014

Deliverable 1: Create a commemorative PowerPoint for annual recognition ceremony. The PowerPoint will primarily consist of photos of the organization over the years. It will be played in background during the reception. Past Work: Scanned photos from various albums, as well as design and layout. Present Work: Photos and captions, in addition to history and statements. Future Work: Final revising and editing. Deliverable 2: Create an appealing brochure for Auxiliary members to take home as a souvenir. This brochure will include a brief history of the Auxiliary as well as a details taken from an interview with the last former president. It is intended for all attendees to take as a souvenir. Past Work: Design and layout, as well as existing research. Future Work: New research, in addition to final revising and editing. Deliverable 3: Design a flyer detailing the ceremonys information. While designing this flyer we have to keep in mind that the ceremony is for all JPS volunteers, not just the Auxiliary branch. However, some recognition should be paid to the Auxiliary. Past Work: Design and layout, as well as research and writing. Future Work: Final revising and editing. Deliverable 4: Design a flyer tailored more for the honoring of the JPS Auxiliary. This flyer will differ from the generic flyer, as it will be more of a salute to the former JPS Auxiliary members. Past Work: Research on place and time of ceremony, as well as design and layout. Present Work: Brief history and writing. Future Work: Final revising and editing. Deliverable 5: Construct a certificate template that may be edited at JPS own discretion. As many awards are planned, a generic template for a certificate will be provided and will be fully editable to meet all of the individuals needs. Present Work: Design and layout. Future Work: Research and writing, design and layout, in addition to final revising and editing.

Memo to Dr. French


April 2, 2014

Table 1 is an assignment of tasks as well as a preemptive schedule for task deadlines.

Task PowerPoint Research History and Statements PowerPoint Research Photos and Captions PowerPoint Design and Layout PowerPoint Final Revising and Editing Brochure Research Existing Brochure Research New Brochure Design and Layout Brochure Final Revising and Editing Contact Auxiliary Members for Interview Generic Flyer Research and Writing Generic Flyer Design and Layout Generic Flyer Final Revising and Editing Salutatory Flyer Research/History/Writing Salutatory Flyer Design and Layout Salutatory Flyer Final Revising and Editing Certificate Template Research and Writing Certificate Template Design and Layout Certificate Template Final Revising and Editing Team member(s) Maria Ramirez Robyn Riojas - all team members Robyn Riojas All Team Members Maria Ramirez Jason Bailey Maria Ramirez All Team Members Each team member will contact one individual William Sweeney William Sweeney All Team Members William Sweeney William Sweeney All Team Members Jason Bailey and William Sweeney Jason Bailey All Team Members Deadline 14 April 2014 14 April 2014 4 April 2014 25 April 2014 31 March 2014 31 March 2014 4 April 2014 14 April 2014 28 March 2014 31 March 2014 28 March 2014 18 April 2014 14 April 2014 9 April 2014 18 April 2014 16 April 2014 9 April 2014 21 April 2014

Table 1. Team Task Delegation, Schedule, and Progress

Memo to Dr. French


April 2, 2014

The Gantt chart (Figure 1) details tasks, a schedule for completion of each task, and current progress in each task. Completed tasks have been shaded in black, present tasks in gray, and future tasks in white.

Memo to Dr. French


April 2, 2014

Overall assessment
The due dates for the Brochure Design and Layout and Final Revising and Editing have been moved up in order to accommodate the Group Usability Test Report due on April 16th 2014. William has been put in charge of creating both flyers as well as participating in the creation of the Certificate Template. Although Robyn is currently only participating in the creation of the PowerPoint, the amount of pictures that were obtained was more than anticipated and will be time consuming to organize and arrange. This most likely will be the last deliverable done, and the rest of the team, once finished with their own responsibilities, will then go on to help Robyn in creating the PowerPoint. Although there was an addition of three deliverables, our team is still making very good progress, evident by our Gantt chart in this memo. We are confident that we will meet the remaining deadlines in a timely manner, if not sooner than anticipated. For any questions or concerns please feel free to contact Team Leader Maria Ramirez at A group usability test report on the brochure mentioned will be provided to you by April 16th of 2014.

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