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Dearest Cynthia, If you are reading this letter then you know what I have done.

I know I have been a coward, and I know I have left you in a broken world. A broken world that I created. You know how ambitious I was in the beginning. I would always tell you, Im going to stop the hostility, the greed, the politics of politics, and you were always my biggest supporter. Little did we know that it would get this bad. I think about the world that our children will grow up in, the society that I created. I imagine how Harold looks up to me, not realizing all of the evil I have committed. I see Jennys wide-eyed wonder at me, and I cant think about anything except how nave she is to the monstrosity that I have become. I have let them down. As a president, as a role model, but especially as a father. I wanted to create a land based on freedom and unity, sharing ideas nationwide and coming together around the beauty of our nations constitutional rights, upholding them, in the way that Republicans intended to and were supposed to. Instead I created a New Mesopotamia. A place that stripped people of their rights, based on their political preference. I disregarded free speech, falsely imprisoned my fellow politicians, and I was simply a widely televised pawn in the eyes of my party. As our countrys president I was expected to do what the people asked, but I listened to the wrong people. The corrupt people. As I sit here writing this letter I see you as the guiding light in all of this, Cynthia. You were my moral compass, and although I didnt follow your path you made sure to stand up for what was right. My hands are not free of Liberal blood. I caused the deaths of millions of Democrats across the nation through my executive orders, and although most of those orders were written up by

Walker and his associates, I know I am still guilty. That is the hardest part of all of this, I think. I know that Walker was my worst influence as Vice President, and I do realize that by the time you receive this letter he will have acquired power, and for that I am so sorry. Im just not strong enough to live in a world like this any longer. I have to escape. One day I will see you again Cynthia, with Harold and Jenny, and we will be a family again in a place where freedom and unity really are possible, and earthy corruption is void. Until then, my love is with you and I can only dream that New Mesopotamia will be better once Im gone. I am no longer the leader they asked for. I am no longer the leader they deserve. You are all of the things I am not, Cynthia. If there is any way for you to take over from Walker, I know you will find it; its what the country needs. With all of my inadequate love, Henry

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