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The Empire 2 (The Empire)

Lords Grand Master (160) M4WS6BS6S4T4W3I6A4Ld9

3,004 points
712 points (24%) Enchanted Shield; hand weapon; full plate armour. Cavalry (Character); Immune to Psychology; Master of Battle. barding. Level 4 Wizard; Lore of Fire; hand weapon. Dawnstone; Talisman of Preservation; hand weapon; pistol; full plate armour; shield. Infantry (Character); Hold the Line!. Monster; Fly; Large Target; Terror. 437 points (15%)

Warhorse Battle Wizard Lord (200)


General of the Empire (352) M4WS5BS5S4T4W3I5A3Ld9

Imperial Gri!on Heroes Warrior Priest (95)



Biting Blade; hand weapon; heavy armour; shield. Infantry (Character); Battle Prayers; Divine Power; Righteous Fury. barding. War Beast. Wailing Banner; hand weapon; pistol; full plate armour; shield; Battle Standard. Infantry (Character); Hold the Line!. Dispel Scroll; Level 2 Wizard; Lore of Shadow; hand weapon. hand weapon; heavy armour; shield. Infantry (Character); Battle Prayers; Divine Power; Righteous Fury. 990 points (33%)



Captain of the Empire (148) M4WS5BS5S4T4W2I5A3Ld8

Battle Wizard (125) Warrior Priest (69)


Core 14 Inner Circle Knights (430) Inner Circle Preceptor Warhorses 40 Spearmen (230) Sergeant ! 5 Handgunners (45) ! 5 Handgunners (45) M4WS4BS3S4T3W1I3A1Ld8

musician; standard bearer (Ranger's Standard); hand weapon; lances and shields; full plate armour; barding. Cavalry.

M4WS4BS3S4T3W1I3A2Ld8 M8WS3BS0S3T3W1I3A1Ld5 M4WS3BS3S3T3W1I3A1Ld7 M4WS3BS3S3T3W1I3A2Ld7 M4WS3BS3S3T3W1I3A1Ld7 M4WS3BS3S3T3W1I3A1Ld7 hand weapons; handguns. Infantry; Detachment. hand weapons; handguns. Infantry; Detachment. musician; standard bearer; spears; light armour. Infantry; Regimental Unit.

30 Swordsmen (240)


musician; standard bearer; swords (hand weapons); light armour; shields. Infantry; Regimental Unit.



Special Great Cannon (120) 3" Crewman Great Cannon (120) 3" Crewman 20 Greatswords (265) MWSBSST7W3IALd M4WS3BS3S3T3W1I3A1Ld7 MWSBSST7W3IALd M4WS3BS3S3T3W1I3A1Ld7 M4WS4BS3S3T3W1I3A1Ld8

615 points (20%) War Machine (Great Cannon). hand weapon. War Machine (Great Cannon). hand weapon. musician; standard bearer (Standard of Discipline); great weapon; full plate armour. Infantry; Regimental Unit; Stubborn.

Count's Champion 5 Pistoliers (110) Outrider Warhorses Rare Steam Tank (250)

M4WS4BS3S3T3W1I3A2Ld8 M4WS3BS3S3T3W1I3A1Ld7 M4WS3BS4S3T3W1I3A1Ld7 M8WS3BS0S3T3W1I3A1Ld5 250 points (8%) M0/VarWSBSS6T6W10IALd Steam Cannon; Steam Engine; Steam Gun. Chariot (Armour Save 1+); Large Target; Random Movement (variable); Steam Points; Steel Behemoth; Terror; Unbreakable. hand weapon; repeater pistol. braces of pistols; light armour. Cavalry; Fast Cavalry. brace of pistols including a repeater pistol.

Engineer Commander


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