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RDG 507 3/27/14 My Teacher is an Alien book on tape Main characters: Susan protagonist Stacy Susans friend Peter

er brain Duncan - bully Ms. Schwartz sixth grade teacher Mr. Smith substitute teacher Dr. Bleakman principal Teacher serves as a facilitator/resource in learning process Assessments occurs within instruction, and students are involved in assessing their own progress Teacher often poses open-ended questions to stimulate further research or student self-reflection Reflection: My take away is that I really fall on the constructivist side of teaching, but I like that. I like that my teaching style involves the students in their own learning and helps to make them more self-motivated. I want them to know how to have good constructive discussion because I feel like they would be bored to tears if all I did was lecture at them all day. How I want to influence my students is by being the model learner that they need. We are all constantly learning and our students need to see that it doesnt stop once you graduate and that it doesnt always have to be academic. I want to model for them that I read for pleasure and that they can too. That might be something that I incorporate into my class if not on a daily basis then at least on a weekly basis.

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