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ApacheFriends XAMPP Mini for windows Version 1.3 (09.02.2004) + Apache 2.0.48 + MySQL 4.0.17 + PHP 4.3.

4 + PEAR + mod_php 4.3.4 + MiniPerl 5.8.0 + SQLite 2.8.11 + PHPMyAdmin 2.5.5 pl1 + Turck MMCache 2.4.6 (PHP accelerator, optimizer, encoder and dynamic content cache for PHP) + ADODB 4.04 + PHPBlender 0.9 (only NT systems PHP compiler) * System Requirements: + + + + 64 MB RAM (recommended) 86 MB free Fixed Disk Windows 98, ME, XP Home Windows NT, 2000, XP Professional (Recommended)

QUICK INSTALLATION: Step 1: Unpack the package into a directory of your choice. Step 2: Please start "setup_xampp.bat". Enter the number 1 to beginning the installation with MOD_PERL. Without MOD_PERL use number 2. MOD_PERL in this Configuration delaying START and STOP of the Apache Server. [or alternatve: Unpack the package to a partition of your choice. There it must be on the highest level like C:\ or E:\. It will build c:\minixampp or e:\minixampp or something like this.] Step 3: If installation ends successfully, start the Apache 2 with "apache_start".bat", MySQL with "mysql_start".bat". Stop the MySQL Server with "mysql_stop.bat". For shutdown the Apache HTTPD, only close the Apache Command (CMD). Step 4: Start your browser and type or http://localhost in the location bar. You should see our pre-made start page with certain examples and test screens. Step 5: PHP (with mod_php, as *.php, *.php4, *.php3, *.phtml), Perl by default with *.cgi, SSI with *.shtml are all located in => \...\minixampp\htdocs\. Beispiele (Examples): => \...\minixampp\htdocs\test.php => http://localhost/test.php => \...\minixampp\myhome\test.php => http://localhost/myhome/test.php Step 6: XAMPP UNINSTALL? Simply remove the "minixampp" Directory. But before please shutdown the apache and mysql. --------------------------------------------------------------PASSWORDS 1) MySQL user: root

password: (means no password!) 2) WEBDAV: user: wampp password: xampp --------------------------------------------------------------ONLY FOR NT SYSTEMS (NT4 | windows 2000 | windows xp professional) \...\minixampp\apache\apache_installservice.bat ==> Install Apache 2 as service \...\minixampp\apache\apache_uninstallservice.bat ==> Uninstall Apache 2 as service \...\minixampp\apache\mysql_installservice.bat ==> Install MySQL as service Before, please copy the my.cnf with absolute paths to c:\ (c:\my.cnf)! \...\minixampp\apache\mysql_uninstallservice.bat ==> Uninstall MySQL as service ==> After all Service (un)installations, better restart system! --------------------------------------------------------------Apache Notes: (1) In contrast of apache 1.x, you can not stop the apache2 with the command "apache -k shutdown". These functions only for an installations as service by NT systems. So, simply close the Apache START command for shutdown. (2) To use the experimental version of Mod_Dav load the Modules + in the httpd.conf by removing the # on the beginning of their lines. Then try (not for Frontpage, but for Dreamweaver) (3) To use the experimental version of mod_auth_mysql remove the # in the httpd.conf. Detailed information about this topic can be found on the left menu of xampp, once you started it. MYSQL NOTES: (1) The MySQL server can be started by double-clicking (executing) mysql_start.bat. This file can be found in the same folder you installed minixampp in, most likely this will be C:\minixampp\. The exact path to this file is X:\minixampp\mysql_start.bat, where "X" indicates the letter of the drive you unpacked xampp into. This batch file starts the MySQL server in console mode. The first intialization might take a few minutes. Do not close the DOS window or you'll crash the server! To stop the server, please use mysql_shutdown.bat, which is located in the s ame directory.

(2) To use the MySQL Daemon with "innodb" for better performance, please edit the "my" (or "my.cnf") file in the /minixampp/mysql/bin directory or for services the c:\my.cnf for windows NT/2000. In there, activate the "innodb_data_file_path=ibdata1:30M" statement. Attention, "innodb" is not recommended for 95/98/ME/XP Home. To use MySQL as Service for NT/2000/XP Professional, simply copy the "my" / "my.cnf" file to C:\my, or C:\my.cnf. Please note that this file has to be placed in C:\ (root), other locations are not permitted. Then execute the "mysql_installservice.bat" in the mysql folder. (3) MySQL starts with standard values for the user id and the password. The pres et user id is "root", the password is "" (= no password). To access MySQL via P HP with the preset values, you'll have to use the following syntax: mysql_connect("localhost","root",""); If you want to set a password for MySQL access, please use of mysqladmin. To set the passwort "secret" for the user "root", type the following: C:\minixampp\mysql\bin\mysqladmin -u root password secret After changing the password you'll have to reconfigure PHPMyAdmin to use the new password, otherwise it won't be able to access the databases. To do that , open the file in \minixampp\phpmyadmin\ and edit the following lines: $cfg['Servers'][$i]['user'] $cfg['Servers'][$i]['auth_type'] in may access. --------------------------------------------------------------Have a lot of fun! Viel Spa! Bonne Chance! Last revised version 09.02.2004 Kay Vogelgesang = 'root'; = 'http'; // MySQL user // HTTP authentificate

So first the 'root' password is queried by the MySQL server, before PHPMyAdm

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