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The purpose of Jane's High-Speed arine Transpor!a!ion "JH T# is !o pro$ide a %o&prehensi$e %o''e%!ion of infor&a!ion %o$ering !he design( )ui'd and opera!ion of high-speed &arine %raf!( *or'd*ide+ ,on!en! in JH T %o$ers a'' organisa!ions in$o'$ed in !his indus!r- and are di$ided in!o four &ain se%!ions as fo''o*s. /ui'ders 0pera!ors 1rin%ipa' e2uip&en! Ser$i%es

These &ain di$isions are fur!her di$ided in!o su)se%!ions %on!aining en!ries arranged under &ore spe%ifi% headings+ 3or e4a&p'e !he /ui'ders se%!ion of JH T is di$ided in!o si4 !-pes of %raf! )ui'!. Air %ushion $ehi%'es( H-drofoi's( u'!ihu''s( S*a!h %raf!( onohu''s and 5ing-6n-7round-effe%! %raf!+ The 1rin%ipa' e2uip&en! se%!ion is di$ided in!o 11 !-pes of prin%ipa' %o&ponen!s. 8ngines( Trans&issions( Air prope''ers( arine prope''ers( 5a!er-9e! uni!s( :ide %on!ro' s-s!e&s( Air %ushion s;ir! s-s!e&s( arine es%ape s-s!e&s( 3as! res%ue !enders( ,ons!ru%!ion &a!eria's and Ligh!*eigh! sea!ing+ Under ea%h of !hese su)se%!ions( en!ries are arranged in!o %oun!ries and !hereaf!er in!o organisa!ion na&es+ A %o&prehensi$e /i)'iograph- is a'so in%'uded *hi%h 'is!s a'' !he re'e$an! )oo;s( !e%hni%a' papers and presen!a!ions !ha! ha$e )een &ade pu)'i% o$er !he 'as! fi$e -ears+ An- par!i%u'ar en!r- &a- )e 'o%a!ed in !he hard%op- $ersion of JH T )- using one of !he !hree indi%es %o$ering 0rganisa!ions( ,raf! !-pe or ,raf! na&e+ The Jane's !ranspor! da!a)ase is designed !o pro$ide !he ne%essar- infor&a!ion for -ou !o e4p'ore -our spe%ifi% areas of in!eres! in !his se%!or( gi$ing !he fu''es! possi)'e !e%hni%a' and %on!a%! de!ai's+ e-&ai'. info<9anes+%o+u; A fu'' 'is! of a'' en!ries indi%a!ing !heir %urren! s!a!us "2004/200=# is pro$ided in !he inde4+ To!a' nu&)er of en!ries >?? Ne* and upda!ed en!ries @AB To!a' nu&)er of i&ages 1(21A Ne* i&ages >2

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