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We are delighted that Carys will be layi!g the r"le "# the y"$!g %i&t"ria a!d h" e t" 'a(e the sh""t as e!)"yable as "ssible* H"ll"ways Garde! is ri'arily #"r the #i!al assess'e!t "# "$r +A,h"!s- degree at Ma!&hester Metr" "lita! .!i/ersity0 whi&h re1$ires $s t" r"d$&e a 23 'i!$te sh"rt #il'* F"r #$rther details "r re1$ire'e!ts regardi!g the &"$rse lease #i!d rele/a!t &"!ta&t details bel"w4 Website4 htt 455www*art*''$*a&*$(5#il''a(i!g5 6"stal Address4 Ma!&hester S&h""l "# Art Ma!&hester Metr" "lita! .!i/ersityCa/e!dish StreetMa!&hester M27 8+R As it is "$r grad$ate #il'0 it will als" be $sed e9ter!ally by the r"d$&ti"! &"' a!y #"r the li(es "# #il' #esti/als0 "rt#"li"s0 websites et&* As Carys is a 'i!"r it is esse!tial I '$st ha/e sig!ed &"!#ir'ati"! #r"' a are!t5g$ardia! i! "rder #"r her t" $!derg" the r"le* S" &"$ld y"$ lease #ill a!d sig! the atta&hed &"!se!t #"r'*

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