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Survey Monkey Results

Q1 Do you see me as a leader? Why or why not?

R1: Yes, Ive seen you organize events R2 Yes because you are responsible. R3 Yes, you are able to dictate roles in a workplace w en t ere is a goal t at needs to be !et. R" I do not. I# I ad to describe your leaders ip prowess, you would be an e$cellent !id%level !anager, 1st &ergeant, 'aster ( ie#. I avent seen e$a!ples o# e$ecutive level leaders ip but you do ave potential to learn or e$ ibit t ese skills. R) Yes, due to t e #ollow t roug and is good nature R* Yes because you are onest and co!!unicate well. R+ Yes , t e way you put toget er t ings t e way you andler proble!s or t e a!ount o# in#or!ation you give out R, I t ink youve leaders ip -ualities and skills. I ave seen you take initiative and s ow your knowledge in your .obs. I #eel youre a reluctant leader t oug . R/ Yes, you are deter!ined and #ocused R10 Yes1 2e is clear1 R11 yes. You are very on spot wit everyt ing. 3ery organized and you are clear on w at you want. R12 Yes, you are very responsible and dependable, and #ollow and respect rules and I t ink you set a good e$a!ple. R13 4n#ortunately no. &ervando is a reluctant leader. 2e as great work et ics and #ollows directions well but lacks t e direction setting o# a leader.

Q2 What are my strongest leadership traits?

R1 You are nice. R2 Responsible, work well wit ot ers, good critical t inking skills R3 You are good looking son o# a gun wit c ar! #or days. R" You ave a good ability to relate to your subordinates. Youre also able to work wit your tea! even t oug you ave been in a leaders ip position. R) attitude and willingness to try new t ings R* 2onesty, genuine interest and co!!unication. R+ 2ow you can speak to t e crew R, Youre knowledgeable and look t e part. R/ 5ocused and deter!ined R10 2ow detailed oriented e is. R11 organization, nice but #ir!, knowledge o# tasks at and, -uick to get out in#or!ation R12 Responsibility

R13 n6a

Q3 What are my leadership weaknesses?

R1 I #eel you don7t take enoug initiative R2 8alk to #ast R3 You are a bit too nice and talkative #or your own good R" You aven7t ad t e e$perience #or e$ecutive or ig level leaders ip. R) worry to !uc , gets in t e way o# progress at ti!es. 9ver t inker. R* I don7t know...I7! really not sure. R+ 'aybe not a strong voice o# co!!and R, You can be indirect and indecisive at ti!es. R/ 8alk too -uiet so!eti!es and take too long to get a point across R10 (ould be a little louder:: R11 too -uiet R12 ;!pat y< 'aybe like lacking i!!ediate relatability wit people< =ut I #eel you continue to analyze situations and #ollow up to s!oot t ings over or better t ings. R13 8aking owners ip and taking c arge

Q4 Have you been in a con lict with me or witnessed me in a con lict with someone else?
Yes: 2 No: 11 13 Responses Total 15.38% 84.62% R1 & R8 The rest of the Respondents

Q! How could " handle con lict di erently?

R1 I ave never see! you in one. R2 >ot losing te!per so easily R3 I t ink you andles yoursel# pretty well. &tern and to t e point. R" You andle con#licts very well. Your #eelings and e!otions do not get t e best o# you. R) n6a R* I t ink t e person wants to ave a conversation person to person, not aut oritative #igure to subordinate R+ ?e aven7t e$perienced con#lict be#ore and don7t know you react to it R, It depends w at your ob.ective is. I t ink you andle con#licts #ine. You7re not abusive, you listen. R/ n6a R10 >o con#lict R11 avent seen you in a con#lict

R12 ;!pat ize wit t e ot er sides views or reasoning !ore. R13 n6a

Q# Do you think " am a good listener?

Yes: 13 100.00@ >o: 0 0.00@ 13 Responses 8otal

Q$ What %ualities do or don&t make me a good listener?

R1 You are patient wit t e soakers and try to #igure out w at t ey are saying, also you tell t e trut . R2 Aisten to w ole conversation but w ile listening co!ing up wit a retort R3 You are an active listener you ask -uestions w en you don7t understand and you are able to s ow disagree!ent wit out being condescending. R" You take t e ti!e to listen to t ose around you and #ocus on t e task at and. You are cool, cal!, and collected. R) n6a R* You consider w at anot er person #eels and t inks even w en it7s opposing or di##icult. R+ You are a great listener R, You parap rase w at was said in t e conversation and ask #ollow up -uestions. R/ Bood eye contact and active listening R10 Bood eye contact and active listening R11 you are a good listener R12 You listen. Cnd #ollow up wit -uestions. R13 &ervando listens well and #ollows direction.

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