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Marlela ls an Lngllsh Learnlng sLudenL, her flrsL language ls Spanlsh. She ls aL a beglnner readlng level based
on Lhe assessmenLs LhroughouL Lhe semesLer. lL ls very hard for Marlela Lo read sllenLly, she can reLell very
llLLle of sLorles, she Lends Lo sound ouL slmple words, polnLs Lo Lhe words whlle she reads, she can follow 3 or
4 sLep dlrecLlons, she uses baslc senLence formaLlon, uses upper and lower case more conslsLenLly, and flnally
has her slghL vocabulary growlng and developlng.

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Learnlng Cb[ecLlves:
Cb[ecLlve SLandard of Learnlng AssessmenL
1he sLudenL wlll pracLlce
1.3 1he sLudenL wlll apply
knowledge of how prlnL ls
organlzed and read
b) MaLch spoken words wlLh
c) ldenLlfy leLLers, words,
senLences, and endlng
1.7 f) Lhe sLudenL wlll reread and
She wlll be observed from a
shorL dlsLance and llsLen Lo how
she ls dolng wlLh Lhe book she
has been readlng Lo see her
pace, word pronunclaLlon, and
auLomaLlc word recognlLlon.
noLes wlll be Laken as Lhe
observer llsLens.

MaLerlals needed:
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1lme for Lhls parL of lesson: 1hls porLlon of Lhe lesson plan wlll be second lesson Lo be done. lL wlll
Lake place afLer Lhe Word SLudy and sLarL and end beLween Lhe 6-18 mlnuLe mark Lo be a LoLal of 12
mlnuLes long Lo fulflll Lhe 40 dleL for Lhe beglnner readers.

rocedure: Marlela wlll be glven Lhe book, Where ls Cub?". She has been readlng Lhls book for Lhe
pasL few days. lL ls a level l, Lhe level she ls aL ln her small group. She wlll Lake Lhls book Lo Lhe carpeL
and read Lo a sLuffed anlmal wlLh a loL of expresslon and enLhuslasm. AfLer she has done LhaL once, l
wlll ask her Lo read lL once more Lo Lhe sLuffed anlmal. l wlll be sure Lo be near her Lo help correcL her
and help her on any of Lhe words ln Lhe book.

D+%3 :#73( 8 D+%3 :+%#* E"#F 0",1+ G&<$ =H <", 8 ?ABC

Learnlng Cb[ecLlves:
Cb[ecLlve SLandard of Learnlng AssessmenL
1he sLudenL wlll undersLand Lhe
dlfference beLween long and
shorL vowel sounds.
1.6 1he sLudenL wlll apply
phoneLlc prlnclples Lo read and
d) use shorL vowel sounds Lo
decode and spell slngle-syllable
l wlll asses Lhe 8lngo sheeL of
Marlela afLer Lhe game ls over. l
wlll see lf she mlssed any words
or dldn'L undersLand based on
her x marks.

MaLerlals needed:
aper wlLh 8lngo game

1lme for Lhls parL of lesson: 1hls wlll be Lhe very flrsL acLlvlLy Lo be done. lL wlll Lake place from 0-6
mlnuLes Lo fulflll Lhe 20 of Lhe beglnner reader dleL for Lhe word sLudy porLlon.

rocedure: l wlll Lalk wlLh Lhe sLudenLs ln Marlela's small group readlng abouL vowels and how Lhey
have long sounds and shorL sounds. l wlll explaln Lhrough wrlLlng on Lhe whlLe board and Lhen hand
ouL Lhe worksheeLs for Lhem Lo look aL and become famlllar wlLh Lhe words. l wlll also explaln Lo Lhem
how Lo play blngo lf Lhey are noL famlllar wlLh Lhe game. l wlll Lhen plck words aL random and say Lhe
word. l wlll lnlLlally say lL normal, Lhen slowly. l wlll repeaL lL up Lo Lhree Llmes. 1he sLudenLs wlll Lhen
mark Lhe word wlLh an x LhaL Lhey belleve Lhe word ls LhaL l sald. Cnce someone geLs a full row, Lhe
game wlll be over. l wlll Lhen go over all of Lhe words and ask Lhem whlch vowel sound each word

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Learnlng Cb[ecLlves:
Cb[ecLlve SLandard of Learnlng AssessmenL
1he sLudenL wlll pracLlce flndlng
and undersLandlng new
vocabulary ln dlfferenL LexLs
based on Lhe plcLures.
1.8 1he sLudenL wlll expand
a) ulscuss meanlngs of words ln
b) uevelop vocabulary by
llsLenlng Lo and readlng a varleLy
of LexLs.
c) ask for Lhe meanlng of
unknown words and make
connecLlons Lo famlllar words.
d) use LexL clues such as words
or plcLures Lo dlscern meanlngs
l wlll ask her quesLlons abouL
Lhe vocabulary words and [oL
down noLes of her responses. l
wlll see whaL she knows based
on her lnferences.
of unknown words.
e) use vocabulary from oLher
conLenL areas.

MaLerlals needed:
1he book Who Pas a 1all?" level C
WhlLe 8oard
WhlLe 8oard Markers

1lme for Lhls parL of lesson: 1hls wlll be Lhe Lhlrd acLlvlLy of Lhe lesson plan. lL wlll sLarL and end
beLween Lhe 18-24 mlnuLe Llme perlod, for a LoLal of 6 mlnuLes. 1hls wlll fulflll Lhe 20 beglnnlng
reader dleL for Lhe Comprehenslon secLlon.

rocedure: l wlll slL down wlLh Marlela elLher aL her desk, aL a Lable ln Lhe classroom, or on Lhe rug
and show her Lhe book, Who Pas a 1all?". l wlll Lhen look aL Lhe plcLures wlLh her and ask her whaL
she Lhlnks Lhls book wlll be abouL. l wlll Lhen Lell her Lo Lhlnk of words she doesn'L know whlle l read
Lhe book. AfLer l flnlsh Lhe book, l wlll look back Lhrough Lhe book wlLh her and wrlLe down words on a
whlLe board LhaL are unfamlllar and new vocabulary words. l wlll explaln whaL Lhey mean and use Lhe
plcLures of Lhe book Lo help me elaboraLe. l wlll Lhen ask her lf she has any quesLlons and flnally ask
her whaL she learned from Lhe book for an open dlscusslon.

D%"#",1 8 D%"#$ & 2$*9+,*$ #+ DF&# D&* 2$&3 =H <", 8 ?ABC

Learnlng Cb[ecLlves:
Cb[ecLlve SLandard of Learnlng AssessmenL
1he sLudenL wlll pracLlce wrlLlng
and demonsLraLe knowledge of
undersLandlng of Lhe book.
1.13 1he sLudenL wlll wrlLe Lo
communlcaLe ldeas for a varleLy
of purposes.
c) 8evlse by addlng descrlpLlve
words when wrlLlng abouL
people, places, Lhlngs, and
l wlll have her wrlLe a few
senLences on whaL she has
learned and see lf whaL she
wroLe compares Lo whaL Lhe
book has Lo offer. l wlll see
whaL vocabulary words she uses
ln order Lo see her
undersLandlng and knowledge of
Lhe word(s).

MaLerlals needed:
1he book, Who Pas a 1all?" level C

1lme for Lhls parL of lesson: 1hls wlll be Lhe flnal parL Lo be done ln Lhls lesson. lL wlll begln and end
beLween Lhe 24-30 mlnuLe Llme perlod, for a LoLal of 6 mlnuLes. 1hls wlll fulflll Lhe 20 of Lhe beglnner
reader dleL for Lhe WrlLlng porLlon.

rocedure: AfLer l have dlscussed Lhe book wlLh Marlela, l wlll hand her a sheeL of paper. Cn LhaL
paper l wlll ask her Lo puL her name on lL and have her wrlLe abouL whaL she learned from Lhe book. lf
she ls showlng LhaL she ls sLruggllng, l wlll gulde her lnLo her LhoughLs by asklng, WhaL was someLhlng
LhaL you LhoughL was really cool?" or Show me your favorlLe plcLure ln Lhe book and Lell me why lL
was lmporLanL Lo you." 1hese quesLlons wlll geL her Lo sLarL Lhlnklng abouL whaL she learned, lf she ls
ln need of some help. l wlll help her wlLh her spelllng lf she asks, especlally wlLh her vocabulary words
LhaL we [usL dlscussed on Lhe whlLeboard from Lhe book. l wlll also ask her Lo Lry Lo use one or Lwo of
Lhe new vocabulary words LhaL she learned from Lhe book ln her senLences. Cnce she ls done, l wlll
collecL lL and documenL lL for laLer lesson plans.

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