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Daily Lesson Plan Overview

Unit Theme / Problem / Project: Final Project Units Essential Questions: 1,2,3 Key ocabulary / !once"ts: All

Instructor: Jeffrey Krause Subject: Social Studies Dates: Weeks 4, 5


Key !ontent
Introduction/ Assignment Sheet for final project e!ie" #1$ facts %ou ma% &no"'( And class discussion on HS)*S
e!ie" #)he impact of High Sta&es'( Class discussion on reading and re!ie" of project

Key #$ills %#tan&ar&s'

14 C, Stage H 15 E, Stage H 18 A, Stage H

Detaile& (ctivities #tu&ents will &o)

#tu&ents will be bro$en into 2rou"s an& be2in &iscussin2 i&eas 3or 3inal "roject a3ter teacher "resentation4

Detaile& *acilitation Teacher will &o)

Teacher will han& out *inal Project (ssi2nment sheet an& e5"lain "roject to &etail in class4

(ssess+ ment %* , #'

#ummative: 6rou" Discussion on "roject

-esources .ee&e&
!om"uter7 Projector #creen7 8n&ivi&ual /an&outs Dry Erase >oar&7 1ar$ers

9:; *acts you may $now444< -ea&in2


14 C, Stage H 15 E, Stage H 18 A, Stage H

Students will go around the room and summarize the previous nights reading, and have a class discussion about what the thin! it all means and how it connects to the earlier unit activities" #tu&ents will 2o aroun& the room an& summari=e the "revious ni2hts rea&in27 an& have a class &iscussion about what they thin$ it all means an& how it connects to the earlier unit activities4 #tu&ents will be in their 3inal "roject 2rou"s an& be wor$in2 on com"ilin2 their 93inal e5am< #tu&ents will be in their 3inal "roject 2rou"s an& be wor$in2 on com"ilin2 their 93inal e5am<

Teacher will assess the stu&ents on their com"rehension o3 rea&in2 an& 3acilitate their &iscussion

*ormative: erbal Qui= on Previous ni2hts rea&in24 *ormative: erbal Qui= on Previous ni2hts rea&in24 #$A

9The im"act o3 /i2h #ta$es)< -ea&in2 0or$ on *inal Project


14 C, Stage H 15 E, Stage H 18 A, Stage H 14 C, Stage H 15 E, Stage H 18 A, Stage H

Teacher will assess the stu&ents on their com"rehension o3 rea&in2 an& 3acilitate their &iscussion

Dry Erase >oar&7 1ar$ers


In class time to do group project

Teacher will monitor stu&ent wor$ an& be available 3or 2ui&ance7 &irection7 an& assistance 3or all stu&ents Teacher will monitor stu&ent wor$ an& be available 3or 2ui&ance7 &irection7 an& assistance 3or all stu&ents

Dry Erase >oar&7 1ar$ers

0or$ on *inal Project



In class time to do group project

14 C, Stage H 15 E, Stage H 18 A, Stage H

Dry Erase >oar&7 1ar$ers

0or$ on *inal Project


In class time to do group project

14 C, Stage H 15 E, Stage H 18 A, Stage H

#tu&ents will be in their 3inal "roject 2rou"s an& be wor$in2 on com"ilin2 their 93inal e5am<4 #tu&ents will as$ 3inal ?uestions re2ar&in2 "roject an& "re"are 3or their "resentations %roups 1 & 2 will present their 'inal e(ams to the class and open the 'loor up to )uestions and comments on their projects" *ther students will ta!e notes and be responsible 'or 1 comment or )uestion"

Teacher will monitor stu&ent wor$ an& be available 3or 2ui&ance7 &irection7 an& assistance 3or all stu&ents4 Teacher will also 2ive stu&ents ti"s in "re"arin2 3or their "resentations Teacher will evaluate stu&ent "resentations 3or content accor&in2 to the rubric "rovi&e& with the 3inal e5amination assi2nment sheet4


Dry Erase >oar&7 1ar$ers

*inal Project Due .e5t !lass


+roups 1 , "ill present their e.ams to the class/ 0iscussion "ill 1e had after"ards +roups 2 , 4 "ill present their e.ams to the class/ 0iscussion "ill 1e had after"ards

14 C, Stage H 15 E, Stage H 18 A, Stage H

*ormative: #tu&ents will be evaluate& on their com"rehension an& com"letion o3 3inal "roject

!om"uter7 Projector



14 C, Stage H 15 E, Stage H 18 A, Stage H

%roups 3 & + will present their 'inal e(ams to the class and open the 'loor up to )uestions and comments on their projects" *ther students will ta!e notes and be responsible 'or 1 comment or )uestion"

Teacher will evaluate stu&ent "resentations 3or content accor&in2 to the rubric "rovi&e& with the 3inal e5amination assi2nment sheet4

*ormative: #tu&ents will be evaluate& on their com"rehension an& com"letion o3 3inal "roject

!om"uter7 Projector



+roups 5 , 3 "ill present their e.ams to the class/ 0iscussion "ill 1e had after"ards Class field trip to C4S School 1oard meeting/

14 C, Stage H 15 E, Stage H 18 A, Stage H

%roups , & - will present their 'inal e(ams to the class and open the 'loor up to )uestions and comments on their projects" *ther students will ta!e notes and be responsible 'or 1 comment or )uestion"

Teacher will evaluate stu&ent "resentations 3or content accor&in2 to the rubric "rovi&e& with the 3inal e5amination assi2nment sheet4

*ormative: #tu&ents will be evaluate& on their com"rehension an& com"letion o3 3inal "roject Formative: Students will be evaluated on their participation 'or the event

!om"uter7 Projector



14 C, Stage H 15 E, Stage H 18 A, Stage H

#tu&ents will atten& a 3iel& tri" to the !P# school boar& meetin2 an& "resent their /i2h #ta$es Test ?ui==es to the school boar& in ho"es o3 "ersua&in2 them to use the ?uestions on 3uture e5ams4

Teacher will 3acilitate stu&ent "resentations an& hol& &iscussion an& unit wra" u" at the en& o3 the tri"

#chool >us7 !ha"erones


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