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St. James High School Professional Learning Community Agenda Outline (November 11-May 19) St.

. James Public Schools has taken the initiative to hold Professional Learning Community meetings and time each Monday from 7:30-9:00 with our students starting their day at 9:20 for each Monday of the school year unless a Staff Development day is held. Here is a breakdown of agenda items and work done while I have been working with the Principal to ensure the success of our staff and students. November 11 Teacher/Student Care Presentation Teachers were given a presentation on the results I was able to obtain from survey questions to students from 6th grade to 12th grade. The groups were derived to allow access to the latest best practices to build teacher/student relationships in our school. Group Work: o Hope Study o PBIS School o PBIS Community o PBIS Family o RTI o Book review Challenge to Care in Schools o Judicious Discipline Focus Group Groups were to use our SMART Goal Team Goal-Setting sheet along with answering these items when presenting their topic to staff o How can this concept be used for St. James High School? o Give examples of what works or does not work with topic researched o Examine outcomes that can prove student improvement o Share personal experience/practice with the topic use data to back up with students in their classrooms o Be able to train staff on their topic Presentations are to be made to staff on December 2 November 18 Grade Level Meetings Staff is to meet at the grade level to discuss students that are struggling as we come down the stretch to the end of the 1st trimester November 25 Teacher/Student Care Group Work back in your groups to prepare for presentation December 2 Prepare ideas for implementation

December 2 Teacher/Student Care Group Presentations How can your concept be used for St. James High School. December 9 Phase two of our teacher/student care mission Staff groups: o RTI continue to work toward how our school will benefit from the RTI model how would it look within our schedule or propose a different schedule to fit RTI in our building o JD Continue to work and receive feedback from Mrs. McGuire on the implementation of JD in her classroom o Math Department curriculum work with our curriculum director o Advisory Group discuss how the advisory group went last Monday did it work the way you had hoped how can we make this a school-wide initiative that pits advisory group vs. advisory group Competition areas etc. o Community/Family Group discuss how we can implement involvement from the community and families is there a group of community experts homework room etc. that we can get set up? December 16 Everyone to meet in Media Center to go over the days work and also discuss I Observation for the week o Staff is partnered up and need to observe their partner this week Meet with your grade level missing assignments/concerns/achievements so far in 2nd trimester January 13 Department meetings discussion will revolve around what classes and form of instruction will look in the future. Are we innovative in our approaches or not at this stage? This will help in the discussion with Principal and Counselor to discuss 2014-15 Course offerings. Grade Level meetings missing assignments and set up a call list to call parents or contact them if student is falling behind or doing really well in your class. Also reminders of mid-term and conferences coming up next week. January 20 Staff Development Day January 27 Course Registration Training Principal/Counselor Teachers are given instructions on how to fill out the registration forms with your advisory group Department meeting time work and finish your scales/rubric for use in your classroom. The rubric goes along with the I Observation implementation Snow-Day School was cancelled

February 3 Course Registration Training Principal/Counselor Teachers are given instructions on how to fill out the registration forms with your advisory group Department meeting time Math and English will discuss curriculum with the English department meeting with Principal/Curriculum Director/Staff Development Chair o The other departments will finish your scales/rubrics for I Observation February 10 Back to Phase Two groups o RTI o Judicious Discipline o Advisory Time o Community/Family Group o Math Curriculum - ? Discuss what has been implemented in various classrooms or school-wide What is working not working? Other ideas to reach students o Report to staff March 3 where are we in these programs February 24 Grade Level meetings missing assignments calls home. End of the 2nd trimester is near. o Students to focus on low and high achieving students I Observation Training next level of staff training March 3 I Observation groups Peer observation discussions Teacher growth plans discussion March 17 Grade Level Meetings student discussions update on students who are struggling in the classroom March 31 I Observation groups peer observation how is it going? - what changes need to be made to the process Original PLC groups o Next steps for RTI implementation Advisory group competitions parent/teacher conferences meal and daycare set up April 7 Read 180 webinar Middle School staff (6-8th grade)

PLC groups QComp meeting with Union President April 14 Second round of peer observations o Include a pre-and post-conference Department meetings discuss curriculum for 2014-15 o Math curriculum link to standards o English Read 180 discussion o Social Studies Skinny class opposite of Choir in 2014-15 Grade Level student discussions April 28 Perception of Care Survey results Judicious Discipline update Advisory group competition update May 5 MCA results Assessments to use for 2014-15 RTI STAR NWEA May 12 Grade Level meetings push for end of year success May 19 PLC plan for 2014-15

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