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Lexi Moore Mrs.

Jones English 4A

I want to become a pediatrician because I love working with children. I also like to help people. Becoming a pediatrician, I can work with and help little kids.

A pediatrician is a childrens doctor, providing care from birth to early adult-hood. Pediatricians specialize in diagnosis and treatment of ailments specific to youth. These childrens doctors treat day-to-day illnesses common with young people. They specialize in serious medical conditions and pediatric surgery. Pediatricians also work with different health care workers such as nurses or other physicians.

Skills Good speaking skills Writing skills Reading comprehension P Skill in performing medical procedures and Conducting physical examination

High School Courses 4 Math classes 4 Science classes (one of each) 4 English classes An added Psychology class (optional)

High school diploma Bachelors degree Med-school Internship

Pass state licensing exam Complete residency program for pediatrics Any other additional exams to become board certified must be passed

Louisiana State University

Xavier University of Louisiana

Tulane University of Louisiana

1. 2. 3. 1. 2. College of Humanities & Social Sciences Bachelor of Arts Bachelor of Interdiciplinary Studies Bachelor of Science College of Basic Sciences Bachelor of Science Bachelor of Science in Geology

Core Units
4 units of English (English I, II, III, IV) 4 units of Math (Algebra 1 & 2, Geometry, any additional math) 4 units of Natural Science (Biology, Chemistry, Physics) 4 units of Social Science (World Geography, Civics, World History, US History) 2 units of Foreign Language 1 unit of Fine Art


High School Preparation High School Graduation High School Program High school diploma required and GED is accepted College preparatory program is recommended

Pre-Med Pre-Law Pre-Pharmacy Pre-Engineering

High School Units Required or Recommended Recommended Subject Required Units Units English 4 Mathematics 2 4 Science 1 3 Foreign Language 1 Social Studies 1 History 1 Academic Electives 8

Pre-Dental Pre-Law Pre-Medicine Pre-Pharmacy Pre-Physical Therapy Pre-Veterinarian

GPA of 3.0 or higher Completed 40 required hours of community service 1100 or higher on SAT with at least a 490 score on the math session 24 or higher ACT with at least a 21 on the math session

A pediatricians income potential can range from $25,000 to about $1,000,000 A 22% growth in employment from year 2008 to year 2018, faster than average for other occupations. A pediatricians compensation varies by industry, location, and experience. A median annual salary of $155,370 was reported.

Works Cited es+it+take+to+become+a+pediatrician%3F

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