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Q21Q21's Lime and Vinegar Jimjam party

Materials required:

M#$T M#$T M#$T %e &orre&t and s'ita%le (or 'se in this te)* The vast majority or pro%lems or &omplete (ail'res in this te) and others as +ell are simply d'e to ,'estiona%le or in&orre&t materials* This te) is very easy and - tell people +ho as) a%o't it "It is just as easy as it sounds. If your materials are good then your end produ t !ill "e #$R% &OO'"
The lime, the vinegar, the d-limonene/xylene and M !"

.xtra&tion $pe&i(i&/ 01g or more Mimosa ostilis root %ar) 2M !"3 241ml or more 45 6hite vinegar 27 0788 3 01g or more Lime 27a28 323 124ml or more d-Limonene or 9ylene one 7ontainer, 1111ml or larger 2 :;.2 plasti&, glass, metal* $omething limonene/xylene +on't dissolve3 one or more hopsti&)s or +ooden spoon 2to stir the gooey %ar)3 $ome $eal-a%le and sha)a%le &ontainer, 411ml or larger 2 :;.2 plasti& or glass3 or a $eparatory ('nnel one T'r)ey %aster 2 :;.2 plasti&, glass, metal* $omething limonene/xylene +on't dissolve3 one $tove or <ettle one ;ot or ;an #se('l tools one or more ='nnels one !i&e &oo)er

one "a)ing pan/large s'r(a&e area &ontainer one or more ra>or %lades/s&rapers one %lender 2'nless yo' %'y, pre-po+dered %ar)3 Tin&t're tools one or more Medi&ine droppers* 4ml and/or 1ml one or more Tin&t're %ottles 21,2,? or @ dram3 or very small airtight &ontainers 211-21ml3 one or more $a'&e &'ps/shot glasses one spoon one lighter/&andle/heat so'r&e Preparation:

(tep ): -( yo'r M !" isn't po+dered, 'se a %lender to &'t it into po+der/(i%ers as small as possi%le Aote/ o'sehold %lenders tend to %lend %ar) to (i%res rather than po+ders %ar) so the the &onsisten&y may %e di((erent than the des&riptions in the te)* (tep *: ;repare yo'r s'pplies 7hopsti&)s/$poon/ 7hopsti&)s +or) %est (or 111g or less M !" +hile a spoon +or)s %etter (or more than 111g* Bo'r &ontainer, it &an %e a glass or :;.2 sealed &ontainer (or sha)ing/rolling to mix or on open &ontainer (or stirring* 2The (a&t that the sealed &ontainer +or)s is re&ently dis&overed so the te) may say stir +hen someone 'sing a sealed &ontainer

+o'ld sha)e/roll3 ave near%y/ vinegar, hot/%oiling +ater, lime* Lastly have everything else needed (or the te) availa%le and have the te) open an a &omp'ter (or ,'i&) re(eren&e* 7a'tion/ #sing plasti& &ontainers or any plasti& in the extra&tion &reates ris) either small plasti& resid'es in the prod'&t or even a &ompletely messed 'p end prod'&t 2This is not an exaggeration, read these posts C1, C2, C03 :;.2 2Most dense non-&lear plasti&s, la%eled as s'&h on the %ottom3 sho'ld %e sa(e to 'se %'t %'t glass +o'ld %e the sa(est &hoi&e* A idifi ation:

This step utilizes the vinegar (acetic acid) to change the DMT-tannate molecules contained in the MHRB into DMTacetate and in the process dissolve them into the surrounding vinegar. The PH of the dilute vinegar is !." so the mi# $ill pro%a%l& %e around that %ut chec'ing the PH shouldn(t %e necessar&

Aote 1/this step does not need to %e too Dexa&tD (tep *: Ta)e 01g-241g po+dered M !" and pla&e in yo'r &ontainer* 2=or (irst-timers 01g-41g is re&ommended3 (tep +: Edd vinegar to the %ar) and stir 'ntil the %ar) starts (orming &l'mps* Edd eno'gh so most o( the %ar) is +et, red and &l'mpy* (tep ,: Then slo+ly and +hile stirring add near-%oiling tap +ater* Edd and stir 'ntil it is +et eno'gh to (lo+ +hen yo' tip the &ontainer to one side or the other* The %ar) +ill a%sor% some o( the +ater over the (irst (e+ min'tes, add more +arm/hot +ater to get it +et eno'gh again as needed 2-t +ill %e a%o't/ 111ml vinegar and 111ml near-%oiling +ater (or 111g M !"3 (tep -: $tir several times as the %ar) is let to sit (or 21-?1 min'tes* 2Longer +on't h'rt tho'gh3 %O. 'O NOT N$$' TO (TIR /ON(TANT0%1 ON0% P$RIO'I/A00% Aote 2/ -( yo' +ere to &hoose not the a&idi(i&ation step, th's doing a $T" lime te), it +o'ld +or)*** %'t +o'ld ta)e periodi& stirring over a minim'm o( 2 days %e(ore a signi(i&ant yield +ill %e a&hieve and several days more (or the rest The vinegar step is essential (or the s+i(tness o( the te) to %e 'tili>ed*

2asifi ation:

This step utilizes the al'alinit& of the lime to convert the polar DMT-acetate in the vinegar-$ater (a polar solvent) into non-polar DMT free%ase $hich is solu%le in limonene)#&lene (non-polar solvents) and not solu%le in $ater. *ince lime can raise the PH to +!-+!." the PH of the ,mush, should %e close to that though once again PH testing shouldn(t %e necessar& MA3$ (.R$ %O.R 0IM$ I( /al ium 4ydro5ide OR $0($ T4$ T$3 6I00 NOT 6OR37 (tep *: Edd to the mix at least 0g o( lime (or every ?g o( M !" 'sed* 2-./ 141g lime (or 211g M !"3 2More lime +ill not h'rt*3 Edding it %it-%y-%it and mixing +ill %e easier to mix, %'t yo' &an d'mp it all in i( yo' +ant* 2=or those o( yo' +itho't s&ales/ 1 &'p o( lime is 101-141g3

(tep +: $tir it very thoro'ghly 'ntil all the p're-+hite lime is mix and there is no more red* Edd very small amo'nts o( +ater i( needed to a&hieve a moist and &onsistent mixt're* Aote 1/ The mix tends to (orm a Ddar) topD +hen yo' stop mixing that is (ine* -t is &ompletely normal* (tep ,: 7reate the right &onsisten&y* The ideal onsisten y is not super e5a t. There are + main options for onsisten y. /onsisten y * !ill !or8 *))9 as !ell as /onsisten y +1 it may a"sor" more sol:ent than/onsisten y +. There +ill %e inevita%le solvent loss regardless %'t my estimate is any+here (rom 245-?15 red'&tion in solvent loss 'sing 7onsisten&y 2 +hi&h in a 111g M !" extra&tion might %e 41-@1ml less solvent lost* -( solvent s'pplies are plenti('l then there sho'ld %e no pro%lem 'sing 7onsisten&y 1 or 7onsisten&y 2, remem%er that they &an %e !.-#$.: many times* 7onsisten&y 1/ Edd +ater 2i( needed3 to ma)e the mix loo) li)e any+here (rom thi&) oatmeal too )inda li)e thi&) pea-so'p* "oth +ill +or) (ine* -( it is li)e tomato so'p that's too so'pyF (tep ,a: if it is too dry add some tap +ater a T-AB T-AB splash at a time, stir +ell and repeat adding and stirring 'ntil it is J#$T moistened thro'gho't (tep ,": if it is too !et add more lime a little %it at a time, stir +ell and repeat adding and stirring 'ntil it thi&)ens and dries to the right &onsisten&y 7onsisten&y 2/ .ither let the mix dry 'ntil &r'm%ly 2Li)e the top o( an apple &risp3 or dry it in the oven 2in an oven-sa(e

&ontainerF3 at G47 or the lo+est setting 'ntil &r'm%ly* Bo' don't +ant it %one-dry %e&a'se it +ill a%sor% more solvent than 7onsisten&y 1, i( it does get %one-dry then j'st add some +ater to ma)e it &r'm%ly* Non;polar 6ash:

.a&h time this step is done it is &alled Da p'llD and the step is 'sed a non-polar solvent to dissolve the Jimjam :MT (rom the %asi(ied %ar), this separation is essential i( a p're prod'&t is to %e extra&ted Aote 1/ The te) is designed to do ea&h step dire&tly a(ter another +itho't any +aiting periods ex&ept those that are steps* The (irst p'll i( done immediately a(ter getting the lime-%ar) to one o( the &onsisten&ies sho'ldo'ld yield any+here (rom 115045 2in my experien&e*3 -( the (irst p'll is done a(ter H-@ ho'rs

ho+ever it +ill li)ely yield 245-H15* 2 p'lls done aro'nd 2? ho'rs and ?@ ho'rs 2or later3 sho'ld %e eno'gh to get @15-G15 o( the :MT 2-n my experien&e3* ;'lls a(ter that tend to %e rather small %'t - highly re&ommends doing p'lls at 1 +ee) and another at 2 or 0 +ee)s to get all the :MT possi%le* (tep *: Edd at least 1*4-2ml d-limonene or xylene (or every gram o( M !"* 2I4-111ml (or 41g3 This &an %e done immediately (ollo+ing the addition o( the lime or any+here 'p to several days later* Aote 2/ "ar) +ill slo+ly a%sor% a noti&ea%le portion o( the solvent, this is &ommon* (tep +: Mix so the solvent &onta&ts all the %ar)-m'sh as thoro'ghly as possi%le, it sho'ld not mix into the %ar) and sho'ld remain transparent* Mix it +ell several times over 11-21 min'tes* That is all that is needed to dissolve the :MT-(ree%ase in to the solvent* %O. 'O NOT N$$' TO (TIR /ON(TANT0%1 ON0% P$RIO'I/A00% - li)e to thin) o( 'sing the non-polar solvent li)e 'sing +ater to dissolve some salt* Tho'gh the salt +ill not instantaneo'sly %e&ome sat'rated +ith salt, it +ill in a (e+ min'tes* $ame +ith the solvent, it is the %ar) and lime that +or)s (or ho'rs, not the solvent* (tep ,: ;o'r the solvent (rom the %ar) into yo'r seal-a%le and sha)a%le &ontainer thro'gh a ('nnel +ith a &otton %all 2to (ilter %ar) parti&les +hi&h &a'se em'lsions3 Bo' needn't %e too ('ssy a%o't getting 1115 o( the solvent* ;o'ring 's'ally gets G15 or more*

(tep -: 6ait 'ntil yo' are done the removing the :MT (rom the solvent then re-'se

A id !ash<(alting:

This step uses vinegar (acetic acid) to convert the DMT-

free%ase in the solvent to DMT-acetate $hich are $ater solu%le- %ut not solu%le in d-limonene or #&lene. .t is called ,salting, and is %asicall& /ust getting the DMT out of the solvent. (tep *: ;o'r some vinegar into the &ontainer +ith the solvent* E%o't 1 shot-glass ('ll* (tep +: $eal the &ontainer and agitate it a %'n&h* - pre(ers to 'se the t'rning-the-door)no% method to agitate as sha)ing sometimes &a'ses lea)age* There is sometimes a small %'%%ly layer o( em'lsion that ta)e a long time to resolve* Egitate it and the top layer, the solvent, +ill start to &lo'd +ith :MT-a&etate (loating aro'nd* over a period o( at least 2 min'tes, (or the pro&ess to &omplete* :on't leave it (or over 11 min'tes %e&a'se a(ter a +hile oils and g'n) &an migrate to the vinegar/+ater (tep ,: #se a t'r)ey %aster to s'&) o't the vinegar 2%ottom layer3 and trans(er it to a separate &lean &ontainer* -( yo' don't get all the vinegar don't +orry* (tep -:Aext add a shot or t+o o( hot tap +ater to the solvent, and agitate it (or a%o't a min'te* (tep =: #se a t'r)ey %aster again to s'&) o't the +ater and &om%ine it +ith the vinegar* (tep >: ;'t the vinegar and +ater into a small stainless steel pan and evaporate it do+n on a lo+ temperat're*

-.*g of 'MT;A etate yeilded from an e5tra tion of =)g M4R2

Ma8ing 'ry A etone: (tep *: The .psom $alts (irst need to %e dried in an oven to remove all the +ater* There's a te&h (or that***- don't re&all o(( hand ho+ to do it, %'t it's easy* 8n&e yo' have dried .psom $alts, then yo' add some* -( it loo)s thi&) and not po+dery a(ter adding it, then yo' need to add more* The ne+ly added .psom $alts sho'ld loo) dry and li)e po+dered &hal)* - +ish - had pi&t'res o( it to sho+ yo'* 6et .psom $alts loo) di((erent than dry ones* The dry ones loo) li)e &hal)* -( yo' )eep adding more and it remains loo)ing

li)e &hal), then yo' added eno'gh* "'t i( it immediately gets l'mpy and loo)s sort o( soggy and sin)s really (ast to the %ottom, then yo' need to add more* (tep +: The dried st'(( loo)s po+dery a(ter adding it to the a&etone and sort o( (loats aro'nd li)e d'st +hen yo' sha)e it* The +et st'(( doesn't (loat aro'nd and %arely moves +hen yo' sha)e it* (tep ,: $6-M po+deri>es the anhydro's magnesi'm s'l(ate 2epsom salts3 to ens're maxim'm s'r(a&e area expos're and to maximi>e the potential (or the parti&les to &ollide +ith +ater mole&'les, and i( he doesn't allo+ time to settle 2and essentially &rystalli>e, (orming a &rystal latti&e that en&orporates 283, he +ill po'r o't &ontaminated a&etone 2&ontaminated +ith +ater or parti&les o( magnesi'm s'l(ate3* 2https///+++*dmt-nex's*me/(or'm/de(a'lt*aspxJ gKpostsLtK?4I13

A etates /on:ersion:
To a hie:e a smo8a"le produ t1 you must on:ert your a etates to free"ase. (tep *: Edd ex&ess sodi'm &ar%onate to yo'r dmt a&etate goo* Edd a %it o( +ater to ma)e a paste and mix +ell* Then dry the paste* Mash the &h'n)s as it dries to ma)e the pro&ess (aster* (tep +: ;o+deri>e the (inal prod'&t, p't in a glass &ontainer and add -;E or a&etone 2%oth +ill +or) e,'ally (ine3* Ma)e s're yo'r a&etone or -;E are dry 2GG5M3, other+ise they +ill p'll sodi'm &ar%onate/sodi'm a&etate along +ith the :MT*

Mix +ell, let the po+der settle and de&ant/pippete o't the -;E or a&etone, into a ne+ &ontainer* :o this 0 or ?x* (tep ,: .vaporating this +ill yield yo' dmt (ree%ase, %'t it is very possi%le that it +ont &rystali>e and +ill remain as a goo* Optional: -nstead o( evaporating %y itsel(, yo' &an evaporate it in a &ontainer +ith some her%s to ma)e 'enhan&ed lea(' or &hanga* The ideal ratio o( her%s/dmt is aro'nd 1/1* "'t sin&e yo' dont )no+ ho+ m'&h there is %e&a'se yo' havent +eighed the goo, yo' &an ma)e an estimate* -( yo' p't all the p'lls (rom yo'r mimosa extra&tion together, made it all into a&etates and &onverted, then &al&'late aro'nd 15 o( mimosa +eight in :MT, and add this in her%s to yo'r evaporating dmtladden -;E or a&etone* https///+i)i*dmtnex's*me/+/index*phptitleKQ21Q2152IsNVinegar/LimeNE/"N .xtra&tionNTe) https///+i)i*dmt-nex's*me/"LE"NNTheN"igNLeis'relyNE/"C$tepNH-E&etatesN&onversion https///+++*dmt-nex's*me/(or'm/de(a'lt*aspxJ gKpostsLtK42@H4

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