CV Malerba en Ingles

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Cabrera 1137 (1828), Banfield, Lomas de Zamora, Bs. As., Argentina Tel. fijo (!11) "2"8# "$88 Tel. %arti&'lar (!11)1((1("72)( 2" a*os (!(+!)+1$88), ,oltero -malerba./otmail.&om C01L 2!#338(32)8#8 2rofessional 3oals To be %art of a &om%an4 -/i&/ /as &onstantl4 %rofessional &/allenges in m'ltiarea gro'%s, -/ere 1 &an %'t in %ra&ti&e m4 5no-elegde as -ell as %ro%ose ne- ideas. 6d'&ation # 0ni7ersit4 0T8 (8ational Te&/ni&al 0ni7ersit4) 9 :;A 2!12 1nd'strial 6ngineer 9 3rad'ation

0T8 (8ational Te&/ni&al 0ni7ersit4) 9 :;A 2!!7 9 2!!$ 6le&troni& 6ngineer 9 12 ,'bje&ts a%%ro7ed. # <ig/ ,&/ool ed'&ation 2romo&i=n 2!!) 6.6.T 8>7 (Te&/ni&al ,&/ool n>7) # 3rad'ated as Te&/ni&ian in 2lanes &ertifi&ated b4 t/e ?8A (?ire&&i=n 8a&ional de Aerona7egabilidad) 6@%erien&e A&&ent're Cons'ltant # C'stomer 6denor A&t'al ,'%er7isor !1+2!13 9

Comer&ial Aanagement area. ;es%onsable for t/e ens'ran&e of t/e best %erforman&e of &olle&tions s4stem, sol7ing %roblems and %lanning f't're im%ro7ements of s'&/. 1 /a7e in &/arge a small team -/o -or5 -it/ me so t/at 1 s'%er7ise t/eir job. A&&ent're Cons'ltant # C'stomer Telef=ni&a !1+2!13 Cons'ltant !2+2!1! 9

1 -or5ed in7ol7ed in 3ALA gro'% -/ose goal -as t/e im%lementation of a %ro4e&t referred to t/e Aanagement of sails, offers, o%ort'nities of Telefoni&a 2rod'&ts in a -ide range of &o'ntries as 6&'ador, Costa ;i&a, 2er', 8i&arag'a, 6l ,al7ador, Ae@i&o, 3'atemala and Argentina. A4 f'n&tions in t/at %ro&ess -ere B 1m%lementation and &onfig'ration of t/e offers and o%%ort'nities Aanagement %ro&ess. B 1dentifi&ation and Aanagement of matters in t/e %ro&ess before t/e sail. B ?esign of t/e Aanagement %ro&ess of 'sers, a&ti7ities flo-, organiCation and sail met/od. B ?e7elo%ment of Tools to %ro&ess t/e data. B Trainer of t/e ,er7i&e Aanager area B ?esign and mainteinan&e of t/e training do&'ments. Lang'ages 6nglis/ 2re#1ntermediate Le7el. (Dfi&ial Center of lang'ages of t/e B'enos Aires 0ni7ersit4) Te&/ni&al 3erman BEsi& Le7el. ( 6.6.T 8>7.) 1nformati& Tools Ai&rosoft Findo-s 4 2aG'ete Dffi&e Ad7an&e

1nterfaC ,16B6L Ad7an&e A'to&ad 2? Hno-ledge # Co'rse of IAanagement of &reati7e &om%aniesJ, 1A6 B'siness ,&/ool a*o 2!11 # Co'rse of IAanagement of %rod'&tion %ro&ess of t/e me&/ani& ind'str4. 0T8 a*o 2!1! #

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