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Differentiated Instruction Giles Patten University of Phoenix Facilitating Instruction for Diverse Adult Learners AET/525 Phyllis Carbonaro April 17, 2014

DIFFERENTIATED INSTRUCTION Differentiated Instruction Differentiating the Content New home sales presents a challenge to most individuals since the builder puts forth a great deal of effort in obtaining potential customers. Because of this, new potential customers will visit the models weekly. Selling a new home then becomes a game of getting more and more potential customers through the doors of the model homes. In Arizona, the builders have fallen into the habit of offering incentives to make people buy their homes rather than produce a quality product for a reasonable price. The new home sales person then concentrates on the wrong aspect of the sales process by relying on what is being offered as an incentive not on building value in the home. Today if a potential buyer walks into the sales office they are more likely be told what the giveaways are in order to compete with the builder down the street.

Successful and experienced new home sales people trained in the true art of new home sales will find this often challenging and bewildering. Many times a potential buyer will be asked if they get a "free pool" with the home because the competitor is offering that for them to buy. When a potential buyer is queried about the truthfulness of a free pool they will admit that they know there is no such thing as a free item. Despite the acknowledgement that they are paying for that pool by giving up quality, size of rooms or lot size, the buyer will not move from the subject of free stuff. This issue presents a challenge to the salesperson who has not prepared themselves properly to present their product in a manner that overwhelms the free items offered. Changing the mind of a buyer when he or she has made a decision to buy based on price only without research is virtually impossible if the sales person cannot position himself or herself as a concerned expert in their product. At the University of Phoenix, the same has been true when potential students state that XYZ University is cheaper on their tuition rates. Recently a

DIFFERENTIATED INSTRUCTION student stated this and despite proving beyond a reason of a doubt that the student would pay higher fees in total the student refused to accept that they were making a bad decision. In a preliminary discussion with the student, the advisor had not anticipated this problem and explained fully the cost structure at the University of Phoenix. This is a mistake made often by new advisors or sales persons. With proper training, a new salesperson or advisor may reduce the number of this mistake and thus the need for continuing training. Varying the Strategies

Once the new home sales person has been trained in the preliminary strategies of meeting and greeting it becomes more beneficial to deliver more education on a weekly basis. This delivery would be once a week at the weekly sales meeting. Spending an hour on the various features that make a sales person and sales team a top producing sales person and team. Each session would be approximately one hour in length maximum in order to allow the sales team to staff their models in a timely manner. New Home Sales by Dave Stone would be the basis and textbook for covering the various aspects of the training to be accomplished. Using the book as a basis for course planning, the education process would also be able to use the audio tapes and video tapes. These have been produced to assist sales persons who might not be able to attend a weekly meeting. There would be a series of classes covering each chapter of the book and covering the subjects therein. Planning and executing your presentations How to qualify and counsel potential buyers Demonstrating the value in the new home Handling objections Creating urgency to induce positive action by the buyer

DIFFERENTIATED INSTRUCTION Turning be-backs into sales Closing the sale After the sale opportunities Enhanced communication skills Understanding Financing

This program would be at least ten sessions long with some requiring the sales people to turn in homework assignments. These homework assignments would be in the form of assessments of their own communities. Upon the completion of the assessment of their communities, they would then assess their competitors based on price and square footage of the competitor's homes. Subsequent to this exercise the sales person would then be asked to develop a presentation for their community. Varying the End Product Demonstration of Mastery The process of mastery of the subject matter for each week would vary, but the most beneficial method would be the sales person demonstrating in front of their peers at the weekly meeting. This process would strengthen the salesperson's presentation skills, helping them to build confidence and demonstrate their knowledge of their product. In addition, when learning the skills required to discuss finance options, it would require not only learning a seldom taught portion of the process in addition to strengthening their relationship with buyers. Varying or altering the environment to accommodate varied learning styles Using a process where the sales person makes presentation to their peers provides the variety of having different presentation methods. Each presenter may choose how they wish to present their subject whether by power point, oral or video. This provides a variety in

DIFFERENTIATED INSTRUCTION each class as each class will often have several presenters. Utilizing video tapes of classes

taught by professionals will also add variety and enable students an option when they are not able to sit in a meeting. Conclusion In order to maintain a viable and energized sales force a sales manager must continually train and build their sales force. Due to attrition and the tendency of humans to get lazy when things are going well this is a program that could be used again and again. Ralph Williams of Bottom Line University once declared in a talk to real estate Office owners that, "Given the choice between success and failure. Most people will choose failure because it takes less work(R. Williams, personal communication, August 1996) When we contemplate the impact of this statement it does become frightening, however, if we spend time observing people we realize that it is true. The percentage of people who completed an advanced degree in the United States is only 10.9% and a Bachelors Degree was only 18.2%.("US Census Bureau," 2012) By looking at the percentages, it appears that this statement would be true. Having a degree will not make us successful but it does indicate that the graduate had the drive to continue on to have all the tools possible. Utilizing those tools correctly and hard work will give a person a chance if they do not have a natural talent to be successful. Having the knowledge and applying that knowledge wisely is the hurdle a student must overcome. With these statistics in mind and understanding, the working practices of the population in general this very basic program would be useful for many years. Most real estate courses that are taught at high expense to the student always go back to the basics., every year more people will spend money to learn again this year what they paid for last year and didn't do but think that they will do it if they take another course by

DIFFERENTIATED INSTRUCTION someone else. That someone else will deliver the same program but in a different style and with different appearing audio and video tapes from the last year. This bodes well for the educators as there will always be new people entering the business to train and experienced sales people who need to get back on track to try again to be successful. Training Plan
Part l: Vital Information Author E. Giles Patten

Instructional Topic

Success in New Home Sales Preparing for Success in New Home Sales

Instructional Module/Training Plan Title

Learning Setting

Classroom and New Home Model Setting Licensed Real Estate Agents recently hired by New Home Builder Face to Face with extensive role playing and modeling


Delivery Modality (online, hybrid, face-to-face, and so forth)

Total Time Allotment

Training shall be a one day six hour training from 9:00AM to 4:00 PM with a one hour meal break.

Instructional Module/Training Plan Goal

Student will be able to meet and greet potential buyer in a manner that lends to a two-way conversation that will lead to an in depth conversation to determine the buyers needs. Student shall have knowledge of using critical questioning techniques to determine how their existing product can satisfy those needs and lead the buyer to write a contract for a new home. The student will create a three pronged approach marketing program directed at the particular buyer groups with 80% accuracy. Student will learn how to develop and create a complete marketing program directed to that particular potential buyer.

Two Performance-Based

The student will enter notes about the visitors in the contact


manager program with 90% accuracy. The student will verify through cross referencing public record information with 80% accuracy. Increased sales of 20 % and positive buyer feedback of 85% satisfaction survey results.

Summative Assessment Description

Student will take a paper pencil assessment to demonstrate their knowledge on customer follow up strategies. The student will create and be scored using a rubric a newsletter reflecting their marketing plan for an individual buyer. New home sales results (increase of 20%) and customer feedback from a Likert scale survey will be assessed.

Part ll: Development Attention Getter ITS SHOW TIME Enter the classroom after everyone is seated in settled, close the door loudly and shout Its ShowTime. Wait for 5 seconds, look At each person in the eye then ask for their feedback and reaction. Relate the story of the top tip maker at the Scottsdale Hyatt. Explain to the student that when the showroom door opens it is ShowTime and they should not be caught snoozing. They should acknowledge each and every visitor like employees do at QT.

Detailed Input of Content

Hour 1 Model Office Operations and Duties Hour 2 Greeting preparation and practice. Hour 3 Buyer Qualifying for prospect or suspect. Hour 4 Recording and saving critical customer information Hour 5

Marketing Strategies

Detailed Input of Content (Contd)

Hour 6 Final exam and review of student plans and sample with peer critique. Spend final time on questions from students.

Part lll: Implementation Instructional Strategies Formative Assessment

See Attached Excel Spread Sheets below Final exam pencil a paper for questions on steps, processes and an oral presentation of a greeting and builder story. Additionally a written marketing plan to use as a future check list to remind them what they should be doing to be successful Peer Critique and question and answer from students.


Materials and Resources

Printed material will be necessary to demonstrate community sign in sheets for first time visitors. Sample marketing materials from different builders. Computers and or laptops to access internet sites and practice entering the information to a database. Overhead projector and internet access to demonstrate and show videos of successful agents. Prefer seating such that students face each other in order to build trust with their peers for assessment purposes

Hour 1st What Model Office Operations and duties How Lecture: Describe a typical day in a model office and the new home sales site. Start with the approach to the models, opening the models, checking on homes under construction Describe duties and responsibilities Andragological Have students prepare and practice their greeting for a new visitor. Have student write out and memorize the Builder Story. Explain and make sure that the students understand the importance of first impressions. Resources Community Maps, Local area Maps. Do a walk through at a local new home community , pre arrange with local builder or do a power point presentation. Audio Visual Equipment required Obtain builder stories from local and national builders. View videos of top agents in top communities demonstrating good practices. In addition show samples of poor first encounters. . Audio Visual Equipment required Questions and typical answers from surveys taken for Model Home agents with responses of how they handle the scenarios that do not fit the norm.

Formative Assessment Have students find flaws in model homes or in the community approaches.


Greeting preparation and Practice

Practice greetings with each other and have others do peer critique and coach each other.


Buyer qualification Prospect or Suspect

Andragological and Lecture Give students questions and typical answers from Model Home visitors Have students write out and learn the key questions and be able to recognize scenarios those that do not fit the normal buyer answers and be able to adlib when a curve is thrown to them.

Practice with peers in the classroom and have students coach each other

Hour What How Androgological and tactile Demonstrate how to enter the visitor information into the database management system Have students demonstrate entering information. Show students how to verify the information through public record links
Androgological Show students samples of newsletters and postcards of homes in their community. Demonstrate what tools and internet links they can use and how to be able to order large quantities of materials that can be customized to each weeks specials or buyers expressed needs.

Resources Demonstrate using contact management software most used by the new home industry. Computer/Laptops required Formative Assessment


Recording and saving critical customer information

Have student look up and sort utilizing the contact database management already set up.


Marketing Strategies What does and does not work

Web site information and samples gathered from Realtors and new home builders.

Have student asses what methods they believe to be more effective and why they believe they would work.


Final Exam and Review, Question and Answer

Final exam pencil and paper for questions on steps, processes. An oral presentation of a greeting and builder story. Additionally a written marketing plan to use as a future check list to remind them what they should be doing to be successful

Pencil and paper or computerized exam. Homework assigned the previous night with respect to a written marketing plan.

Peer review of Greeting and builder stories. Additionally a review of students marketing plan to be used in the field.


11 12_1YR_DP02&prodType=table Stone, D. (1982). New Home Sales. Chicago: Real Estate Education Company.

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