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Project Stadium Plan

Group 12 Karabo Harrison Isacc Lara Seyamoui Siddiqa Kathy Tran

Table of ontents
1 Introduction!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!"
Purpose..................................................................................................................................................................3 Project Scope.........................................................................................................................................................3 Executive Summary...............................................................................................................................................3 Project Background and Objectives......................................................................................................................4 Project Critical Success actors............................................................................................................................! "ey #eliverables and $ilestones .........................................................................................................................! Constraints and #ependencies...............................................................................................................................%

2 Scope Statement!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!#
Scope o& t'is Project..............................................................................................................................................( Solution Overvie).................................................................................................................................................( Project #eliverables Overvie)..............................................................................................................................( *ig' +evel $ilestone Plan ,*+$P-...................................................................................................................... /ssumptions...........................................................................................................................................................

Project 1ame2 Plano *ig' Sc'ool ootball Stadium Project $anager2 3saac +ara

Project Plan $ocument

1 Introduction
4'e City o& Plano 'as agreed to construct a &irst5class &ootball stadium to be o)ned by Collin County and it )ill be created on approximately 6( acres o& t'e 'istoric 405acre. 4'e purpose o& t'e Project #e&inition Plan is to provide t'e basis &or a decision to commence t'e delivery p'ase o& t'e project. #e&inition Plan con&irms t'e endorsed parameters o& t'e project7 including t'eir impact on cost7 time deliverables and scope. Our aim is to design a Stadium t'at )ill provide a uni8ue game day experience &or today9s &ans. 4oget'er7 )e )ill )ork )it' t'e City o& Plano to 'elp provide not only t'e stadium t'at )ill be used by Plano *ig' Sc'ool7 but a distinctive &eature &or t'e city o& Plano. 4'e budget allocated to &inis' t'e project is 0! million in t'e duration o& 60 mont's.

Project Scope
4'e project )ill provide Plano *ig' Sc'ool )it' a stadium t'at )ill become a distinctive &eature &or t'e city o& Plano. 3t )ill be built to improve t'e environment o& t'e community and recreation activities. Please visit Section 0 Scope o& t'is Project Plan &or more detailed speci&ications.

Executive Summary
4'e purpose o& t'is project is to design a stadium in t'e city o& Plano7 )it' capacity o& 6:7::: seats. 4'e stadium )ill be designed )'ere no seated spectator )ill be more t'an 33: &eet &rom t'e playing &ield and no seat )ill be 'indered by any obstructed vie). 4'e cutting edge stadium )ill generate revenue &or t'e Plano 3S# and increase its capacity o& &ans.

ootball Stadium ;esponsibility $atrix ootball Stadium Sponsors Client ;epresentati ve Project $anager inance 4eam Construction 4eam Sc'edule Coordination 4eam Scope Statement >es >es >es <BS Breakdo)n Structure >es >es >es Budget =uality C'ange $anagement Procedures >es >es C'ange /pprovals >es >es

>es >es >es >es


>es >es

>es >es


Project Background and Objectives

4'e resident population surrounding a &acility is an important indicator o& demand potential &or all types o& events including spectator sports7 concerts and entertainment7 yout' and amateur sports7 and community events. $oreover7 population data can reveal trends in t'e overall economic climate o& an area and its ability to maintain su&&icient recreation and entertainment in&rastructure and amenities. *ig' population or income gro)t' rates can indicate signi&icant demand potential &or local attractions. Positive economic trends )ould also indicate t'at t'e venue )ould be able to sustain population gro)t' over time. 4'e &ollo)ing &igure presents t'e population data and trends o& City o& Plano.

Project Critical Success Factors

Critical Success actors are very important in identi&ying t'em to insure an e&&icient solution plan. <e 'ave come up )it' targets t'at )ill guarantee t'e project9s success. Critical Success actor Competent ?endors E&&ective Communication Proper Planning E8uipmentB$aterials Procurement 3nspections and /udits Solution @@A Satis&ied ;atings /pproval ;esponsibility $atrix 3mplicit 6::A 4eam $ember 3nvolvement 6A error rate and no delayed s'ipping 6::A Pass Satis&action

ey !eliverables and "ilestones

4'e project tasks are accompanied by &ourteen tangible deliverables7 strategically sprinkled t'roug'out t'e project9s p'ases. Completing a deliverable signi&ies t'e completion o& a particular milestone. /nd t'is completion o&ten is a prere8uisite to t'e start o& t'e next p'ase. 4'e 'ig'5 level tasks and associated $ilestone #eliverables completion points are also s'o)n on t'e c'art.

Constraints and !ependencies

4'e constraints are on t'e limited number o& automated e8uipment7 mac'ines7 productivity rates7 )eat'er conditions7 etc. 4'e e&&ects can 'ave a major impact on t'e se8uences7 inter5 relations'ips7 and duration o& activities. 4'ese types o& constraints imposing conditions a&&ecting t'e start and completion date o& activities are discussed in t'e context o& planning and sc'eduling o& automated construction e8uipment. 4'ey are tec'nological7 managerial7 and external constraints.

Technological constraints defines the logical relationship between activities which cannot be changed unless the technology is changed Management factors that influence planning and scheduling of construction activities, consequently impacting equipment productivity, production rates, or operating time. Those factors would be considered by management such as timing for equipment maintenance, inventory of parts, and security programs, etc. Typically, these constraints are environmental, safety or geological concerns. Some automated equipment or machines are sensitive to changing weather or subsurface conditions and causing noise or air pollution when operated. Then, there will be specific timetable for them to perform the task. For example drilling will only be done during the day.

# Scope Statement
Scope o$ t%is Project
4'e project )ill provide Plano *ig' Sc'ool )it' a stadium. 4'e sc'ool )ill provide t'e land7 studentsBguests7 e8uipment vendors7 drink and &ood vendors7 'uman resources to keep up )it' maintenance. <e )ill provide t'e parking lots7 materials &or procurement7 construction7 engineering7 electrical7 plumbing7 excavation7 and paint contractors. /lso7 t'e seating7 surround sound tec'nology7 synt'etic ield4ur&7 *# screens7 ventilation system7 gymnasium7 loungeBconcession areas7 and restrooms.

Solution Overvie&
4'ere )ill a state o& t'e arts stadium surrounding by parking lots )it' a bus pick upBdrop o&& center on bot' sides. 4'e illuminating building can be seen be&ore reac'ing t'e parking lots. 4'ere )ill be a re&res'ment concession building along )it' over'ead bleac'ers. 4'e digital display and scoreboard )ill be visible be&ore reac'ing t'e gates to t'e stadium. <'en )alking in7 t'ere )ill be 6:7::: recline able7 back5arc'ed seats )it' an over'ead semi roo& t'at blocks out t'e 'ars'est sunlig't. 4'e best e&&ect a person )ill &eel is t'e ventilation and &ans t'at continuously blo) &rom every direction. Be&ore t'e start o& t'e game7 t'e )i5&i )ill be available &rom Plano *ig' Sc'ool.

Project !eliverables Overvie&

inal stadium )ill include2 6:7::: seats7 spectator vie) &rom 33: &eet 6:: decibels in surround sound ield4ur& /ccess to <i5 i *# Screens Semi ;oo& 1atural ventilation system Cymnasium +oungeBconcession areas ;estrooms Parking lot 0 Pick upBdrop o&& sections &or busBpassengers

'ig% (evel "ilestone Plan )'("P*

4'e project )ill 'ave milestones represented at every 8uarter in t'e year to ensure t'at t'e project is running smoot'ly. 4'e <BS is s'o)n 'ere at t'e 'ig'est level )it' speci&ications. =uarter =uarter 6 =uarter 0 =uarter 3 =uarter 4 $ilestone Site PrepB Structural rame #evelopment Continues Construction inal 4ouc'esBCompleting Punc' +ists $ilestone Conditions #esign re8uirements are approved and Excavation must be completed Construction begins and Engineering 3mplemented Construction is completed )it' &inis'ing touc'es beginning under)ay Electricity7 Plumbing7 Paint7 and completing t'e closeout

4'is project )ill build a great &ootball stadium and atmosp'ere but t'e maintenance )ill be le&t to Plano 3S#. /ssumptions include #esign )as created $aterials )ere already purc'ased Contractors all available City provides t'e permits and land Sc'ool provides t'e vendors

"aterial Flo& ,et&ork Statement o$ -ork "aterial "anagement . /lobal Suppliers

Final Version February 24, 2014

Presented by Van Ly Vu Le Kathy Tran Isacc Lara Olivia Tao

S0+0E"E,0 OF -O1 Client a!e "ricsson "lad Pele& and 'e&&ie (oodru))

Client#s $d!inistrator and s%onsor Pro*ect a!e

'aterial 'ana&e!ent+,lobal -u%%liers February 1/, 2014 'ay 12, 2014

-tart .ate "nd .ate

12 Project Introduction "ricsson0s !aterial !ana&e!ent ai!s to )ind the best balance o) service and inventory throu&h analysis o) )orecast, order, and su%%ly data1 -%eci)ic issues are )orecast+to+order accuracy, inventory turnover, bac2schedulin&, and lead+ti!e+to+order1 Current !easures include )orecast accuracy o) 324, bac2schedulin& o) /24, inventory turnover o) / %er year, and lead ti!e o) 42 days1 This %ro*ect ai!s to i!%rove these !easures throu&h i!%rove!ents in data analysis %rocess and throu&h analysis o) the decision !a2in& %rocess1 #2 Project Scope !escriptions 211 Pro*ect -co%e 5 The %ri!ary ob*ective o) this %ro*ect is to )ind i!%rove!ents in !aterial !ana&e!ent0s decision !a2in& %rocess1 This includes analysis o) the !easures and data %oints involved1 212 Includes6 Forecast, su%%liers, orders "7cludes6 Forecast %rocess, orders, custo!er service, inventory !ana&e!ent 218 Pro*ect .eliverables D $naly9e and deter!ine current !ana&e!ent o) order delivery %rocess D Provide tools )or !aterial !ana&e!ent and !ovin& )or:ard D Identi)y o%%ortunities to e))ectively i!%rove !aterial !ana&e!ent D 'a2e reco!!endations to hel% !ana&e!ent beco!e !ore success)ul in their delivery and accuracy o) !aterials 214 -co%e Chan&e Control D $ssess!ent o) the sco%e chan&e :ill be assessed by the %ro*ect !ana&er and the %ro*ect s%onsor1 The ty%es o) assess!ent can include E I!%act and ali&n!ent to the ori&inal %ro*ect &oal E ecessity o) the chan&e E (hether the chan&es ali&n :ith the sco%e and ob*ectives o) the !aterial !ana&er at "ricsson

32 Project Plan


811 (or2 ;rea2.o:n -tructure -BS 1 111 112 118 # 211 0asks Initiation 'eet :ith -%onsor .evelo% -o( .eliverable6 -ub!it -o( Planning Intervie: Intervie: :ith s%onsor to )ind out his business %rocess 2<2=<14 2<2=<14 2<13<14 2<13<14 2<13<14 2<13<14 2<13<14 2<13<14 0ask !escription Start End 4 1004 1004 1004 1004 04 04

212 218

Intervie: Point o) i!%rove!ent

Continuous analysis o) %rocess O))er %ossible reco!!endations co!%arin& best in class o) teleco!!unication<n on+ teleco!!unication co!%anies Continuous i!%rove!ents to %rocess Identi)y o%%ortunities to e))ectively i!%rove %rocess

2<2=<14 2<2=<14 04


Point o) I!%rove!ent




.eliverable6 Final re)ine!ent o) reco!!endations


3 811

Project Close .eliverable6 Final Intervie: 'a2e reco!!endations to hel% !ana&e!ent beco!e !ore success)ul in their

04 04


delivery and accuracy o) !aterials

"ilestones F -O( + Feb 13 F Create %rocess !a% + 'arch 8 F $naly9e stron& and :ea2 data %oints in the %rocess !a% + 'arch 20 F ?esearch both si!ilar and non si!ilar industries + $%ril > F Co!%are both industries and co!e u% :ith reco!!endation + $%ril 2> F Pro*ect closeout and )inal %resentation to "ricsson + 'ay 10 52 Project Organi6ation and 0eam 1esponsibilities F -%onsor6 "lad Pele& F Pro*ect 'ana&er6 Van Ly F 'ana&e!ent Tea!6 Kathy Tran, Olivia Tao, Isacc Lara 411 Tea! ?es%onsibilities F Tea! leader :ill co!!unicate :ith "lad :ee2ly throu&h e!ail or )ace to )ace !eetin& :ith u%dates1 F Tea! :ill !eet to&ether once a :ee2 to &ive u%dates and also :or2 to&ether on the %ro*ect1 F $ny clari)ication and @uestions needed :ill be directed and as2ed to )ro! the s%onsor1 412 Client res%onsibility F -%onsor :ill %rovide additional in)or!ation and insi&ht into %ro*ect in a ti!ely !anner at their earliest convenience1 72 ey +ssumptions F Continued availability o) resources F Key %ro*ect !e!ber0s availability F "7ecution and i!%le!entation :ill be co!%leted by o%erational side >11 .isclai!ers F 'aterial Flo: et:or20s reco!!endations are de%endent u%on the availability o) data that is %rovided by "ricsson1

+cceptance and aut%ori6ation


The ter!s and conditions o) the Pro$essional Services +greement a%%ly in )ull to the services and %roducts %rovided under this -tate!ent o) (or21 I, -I0,ESS -'E1EOF, the %arties hereto each actin& :ith %ro%er authority have e7ecuted this -tate!ent o) (or2, under seal1

"ricsson and "lad Pele&

Full na!e

'aterial Flo: et:or2

Full na!e








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