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com Oct 1, 2009 - Oct 31, 2009

Dashboard Comparing to: Site

20,000 20,000

10,000 10,000

0 0

October 5, 2009 October 12, 2009 October 19, 2009 October 26, 2009

Site Usage

271,495 Visits 52.62% Bounce Rate

790,389 Pageviews 00:03:02 Avg. Time on Site

2.91 Pages/Visit 44.99% % New Visits

Visitors Overview Map Overlay world


20,000 20,000

10,000 10,000

0 0

October 5, 2009 October 12, 2009 October 19, 2009 October 26, 2009

147,772 Visits
1 252,275

Traffic Sources Overview Content Overview

Referring Sites Pages Pageviews % Pageviews

106,941.00 (39.39%)
Search Engines / 164,364 20.80%
92,312.00 (34.00%)
Direct Traffic /section/sports 31,028 3.93%
72,074.00 (26.55%)
Other /section/news 11,190 1.42%
168 (0.06%)
/section/opinion 11,166 1.41%

/section/sports/football 7,086 0.90%

1 Google Analytics Oct 1, 2009 - Oct 31, 2009
Visitors Overview Comparing to: Site

20,000 20,000

10,000 10,000

0 0

October 5, 2009 October 12, 2009 October 19, 2009 October 26, 2009

147,772 people visited this site

271,495 Visits

147,772 Absolute Unique Visitors

790,389 Pageviews

2.91 Average Pageviews

00:03:02 Time on Site

52.62% Bounce Rate

44.99% New Visits

Technical Profile

Browser Visits % visits Connection Speed Visits % visits

Internet Explorer 110,173 40.58% Cable 106,735 39.31%

Firefox 94,340 34.75% T1 61,770 22.75%

Safari 52,718 19.42% Unknown 57,593 21.21%

Chrome 10,578 3.90% DSL 39,281 14.47%

Mozilla Compatible Agent 1,153 0.42% Dialup 3,992 1.47%

2 Google Analytics Oct 1, 2009 - Oct 31, 2009
Traffic Sources Overview Comparing to: Site

20,000 20,000

10,000 10,000

0 0

October 5, 2009 October 12, 2009 October 19, 2009 October 26, 2009

All traffic sources sent a total of 271,495 visits

26.55% Direct Traffic Referring Sites

106,941.00 (39.39%)
Search Engines
39.39% Referring Sites 92,312.00 (34.00%)
Direct Traffic
72,074.00 (26.55%)
34.00% Search Engines Other
168 (0.06%)

Top Traffic Sources

Sources Visits % visits Keywords Visits % visits

google (organic) 79,434 29.26% michigan daily 15,036 16.29%

(direct) ((none)) 72,074 26.55% the michigan daily 2,214 2.40% (referral) 17,147 6.32% university of michigan 604 0.65% (referral) 14,093 5.19% michigan promise scholarship 587 0.64% (referral) 10,802 3.98% ann arbor newspaper 483 0.52%

3 Google Analytics Oct 1, 2009 - Oct 31, 2009
Map Overlay Comparing to: Site

1 252,275

271,495 visits came from 165 countries/territories

Site Usage

Visits Pages/Visit Avg. Time on Site % New Visits Bounce Rate

271,495 2.91 00:03:02 45.06% 52.62%
% of Site Total: Site Avg: Site Avg: Site Avg: Site Avg:
100.00% 2.91 (0.00%) 00:03:02 (0.00%) 44.99% (0.16%) 52.62% (0.00%)

Country/Territory Visits Pages/Visit Avg. Time on % New Visits Bounce Rate


United States 252,275 2.96 00:03:06 43.32% 51.63%

Canada 3,466 1.99 00:01:38 72.45% 67.74%

(not set) 2,868 2.72 00:02:33 39.12% 50.52%

United Kingdom 2,030 1.74 00:01:15 81.53% 73.05%

China 886 4.57 00:04:14 54.06% 41.76%

Australia 823 1.65 00:01:08 83.23% 73.88%

Germany 700 1.98 00:02:08 68.29% 66.71%

India 465 1.60 00:01:21 89.89% 76.56%

Philippines 391 1.74 00:01:37 81.07% 74.68%

4 Google Analytics
Japan 390 2.12 00:01:43 61.79% 65.13%

1 - 10 of 165

5 Google Analytics Oct 1, 2009 - Oct 31, 2009
Content Overview Comparing to: Site

50,000 50,000

25,000 25,000

0 0

October 5, 2009 October 12, 2009 October 19, 2009 October 26, 2009

Pages on this site were viewed a total of 790,389 times

790,389 Pageviews

630,292 Unique Views

52.62% Bounce Rate

Top Content

Pages Pageviews % Pageviews

/ 164,364 20.80%

/section/sports 31,028 3.93%

/section/news 11,190 1.42%

/section/opinion 11,166 1.41%

/section/sports/football 7,086 0.90%

6 Google Analytics

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