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Lesson plan Subject: Moral Studies

Unit: )alue lass: *ear + Date: ,-th . /0th 0o$ember ,01,

Session/conte!t: )alues o! %n$ironment "e# S$ills: Team workers1 %!!ecti$e participants1 2e!lecti$e learner "e# %ords: Trust and "aring

Lesson &bjectives3 To know the signi!icance o! preser$ing and conser$ing the en$ironment. To be aware o! the ecos(stem between human1 li$ing things and the en$ironment. Lesson &utcomes: #tudents will come out with their own research on Trust and "aring in 4ala(sia.

Timing Starter


10 mins

A starter game related to the topics. (Brain games)

Resources/Differentiatio n Worksheet

40 mins

A PPT will be shown to students to e plain their task on the topic o! Trust and "aring. #tudents will be gi$en instruction on how to do promotion brochures about %arth &our. #tudents will collect their research and the( will include the contents in the brochure.

actvity Main

PPT % ercise book 'nternet

10 mins


A4 paper #tationaries

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