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Directions: In the table below, write a brief description of each Chinese philosophy.

Then, list at least three important characteristics about the philosophy. Confucianism Confucianism was founded by Confucius. The goal for this philosophy was justice and peace. Normally, rulers would govern wisely, but he wanted to teach men of good character and to work honest and fair, just as government officials. ccording to Confucianism, there were five basic relationships: ruler and subject, husband and wife, father and son, older sibling and younger sibling, and friend and friend. Confucius told everyone that they must obey those above them. !ractically saying that you have to respect your elders. nd elders must set a good e"ample for the younglings. They should be kind, honest, wise, and faithful. Confucius taught, #$o not do to others what you do not want done to you.% Daoism $aoism was founded by &ao'i. It is based on the ancient Chinese idea of the $ao or #the (ay%. It is to teach people to gain happiness and peace by living in harmony or agreement with the way of nature. To the $aoists, nature is full of opposites like life and death or light and darkness. $aoism encouraged rulers to rule less harshly. lthough $aoism)s more important influence was on Chinese thought, writing and art. Legalism &egalism was founded by *anfei'i. &egalism was based on the idea that most people are naturally selfish. !eople always pursue their own self+interest. They cannot be relied upon to have a good influence on one another. ,ulers were not enough to set a good e"ample for others. They established strict laws and enforced them with rewards for good behavior and harsh punishments for bad behavior. *anfei'i said that rulers must have absolute power backed up by military might. ,ulers should trust no one, not even their own families. *e wrote #*e who trusts will be controlled by others.%

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