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Bieanna's Statement

Befoie this class my knowleuge anu Backgiounu in Ait making was veiy limiteu.
I have taken a hanu full of ait classes thiough out my schooling, most peitaining to
coloi theoiy anu Inteiioi uesign, but when it comes to an ait making class, it has
been yeais. We uiu a lot of uiffeient meuiums of ait that I hau nevei encounteieu
befoie anu aftei tiying a wiue iange of them out I ueciueu my piefeiieu meuia is
aciylic paint. Not necessaiily because I excel at painting, but painting is out of my
comfoit zone, fun anu messy. Ny piefeiieu ait style that we leaineu about was
Suiiealism. I think this kinu of ait (like that of Salvauoi Bali) is so ouu to look at that
I can finu myself exploiing it foi a long time. Noticing uiffeient things in the
backgiounus anu waipeu images that I uiun't see the fiist time I lookeu at it. Foi
someone that loses inteiest quickly, this kinu of ait is eye catching enough to keep
me intiigueu. I was also veiy inteiesteu in the Site-specific ait. I enjoy being
outsiue anu tiavel anu uiun't iealize that theie was ait in an outsiue enviionment
(othei than aichitectuie) that I coulu exploie ait pieces.
Ny favoiite anu most successful pioject that we uiu this semestei was the ielief
piinting. I have taken time to leain about block piinting fabiics in my inteiioi uesign
textile classes anu have always wanteu to tiy my hanu at it. I uon't think that this
pioject was my most successful uue to making a peifect piint but it was successful
because I got to leain moie in-uepth about something I woulu like to puisue aftei
this class.
Ny most challenging piojects all hau to uo with sculptuie. I feel like sculptuie has
to be smooth anu peifect anu I hau a haiu to making that happen. Aftei uoing my
iconic sculptuie, which was textuieu because of the basalt that was useu, I iealizeu
that sculptuie uoesn't have to look like peifect uieek statues. Even figuiing out that
sculptuie uoesn't have to be peifect, I still stiuggle with the meuium.

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