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Individual Lesson Plan 2 Standards and Objectives: SS6G11 The student will describe the cultural characteristics of Europe.

As a result of this lesson, students will Know (facts, vocabulary), Understand (concepts), and/or be able to DO (skills):

Know: the different cultures of Europe and other cultures in addition to the standard Understand: that every culture is different and what a culture is Be able to: recognize and define what a culture is

Essential Question(s):

1. What is culture? 2. What makes every culture different? 3. What are the different cultures found in Maniac Magee?

Strategies used:

Reasearch Inference

Individual work Instructional Activities Lecture/Discussion Demonstration/Modeling Simulation Group Work Oral Presentation Guided Practice Lab/Project Individual Work/Homework Media Center Evaluation Written Response Oral Response Quiz/Test Visual Representation Model Performance Assessment Formative Assessment Summative Assessment Materials Text/Supplemental Resources Handouts Maps/Charts Multi-Media Presentation Computer Lab Student Use of Digital Tools Other: Other: Other: Essential Vocabulary Culture

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Instructional Plan: 50 Time mins Allowed 1

Specific Plan

5 mins 10 mins 30 mins 5 mins

Give handout for the day

Materials handout

Explain what the project is and what resources they are allowed to use.

Classroom set of laptops Poster board or board paper Markers

Individual research lesson. Students will pick which method to use.

Students will return to class and ask any additional questions for the activity.

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