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Individual Lesson Plan 1 Standards and Objectives: SS6H2: The student will explain the development of Latin America

and the Caribbean from European colonies to independent nations. Describe the influence of African slavery on the development of the Americas. As a result of this lesson, students will Know (facts, vocabulary), Understand (concepts), and/or be able to DO (skills): Know: Racism, Slavery, Civil War, Civil Rights Movement Understand: Racism formed from a significant part of history and from people being uneducated about other cultures. Do: Tell the meaning of Racism and cite examples from the novel Maniac Magee of Racism. Essential Question(s): 1. What is Racism? 2. How does Racism hurt people? 3. Why should we care if someone is racist?

Strategies used:

Research Lecture Open discussion

Instructional Activities Lecture/Discussion Demonstration/Modeling Simulation Group Work Oral Presentation Guided Practice Lab/Project Individual Work/Homework Media Center Evaluation Written Response Oral Response Quiz/Test Visual Representation Model Performance Assessment Formative Assessment Summative Assessment Materials Text/Supplemental Resources Handouts Maps/Charts Multi-Media Presentation Computer Lab Student Use of Digital Tools Other: Other: Other: Essential Vocabulary Racism Slavery



Instructional Plan: Time Allowed 1

Specific Plan

5 mins 25 mins 15 mins 5 mins

Students are reading handout

Materials handout

Lecture on what Racism is and the history of how Slavery came to be in the Americas. Forming groups for project listed on handout. Groups will then go to different media outlets and begin research. Homework assignment: continue research for timeline.


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