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LONGBOARDING This sport was created by a group named zboys. This sport is famous because of videos uploaded in YouTube.

This sport appeared in 1960 -1980. There are types of boards and wheels. It is the most exciting experience of life. There are many competitions a year. The best in this sport is James Kelly and Liam Morgan. We use leather suits and full face helmet. The price varies depending on the brand. For this sport you have to use protection for example: Helmet Elbow pads Knee pads Gloves

Base Jumping Around this 5 to 15 people did every year. It is considered a dangerous sport. This sport consists off jumping from reefs whit parachutes. This sport appeared 1978.

In longboarding there are 3 types of sliding = Freeride Downhill Dancing I recommend it a 100%

Freeride: sliding on the board Downhill: go fast Dancing: dance on the table

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