Action Plan

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Data Analysis and Application

Type of Data Quantitative Student Learning Quantitative School Processes & Perceptions Quantitative Student Learning Fact Finding: What facts can you identify from the data? The mean of the data is 9.75 The mode is 10 The median is 10 All students were proficient in taking responsibility for their learning (nonacademic) The most common area where students did not perform at a proficient level was in the components of the model map. Although only 2 (10%) of students fall into this category it is still something to investigate. All groups demonstrated proficiently on the group model design. (100% showed a 2 or a 3) All students demonstrated proficiency in at least 1 element of their model map. Hypotheses: What hypotheses can you make about each fact? The mean, median, and mode were all within proficiency because of the multiple checkpoints and rubrics provided to the student along the way. As this is a norm in my classroom, I always am encouraging my students to try their best in everything. Action Plan: What will you do based on the facts and hypotheses you concluded? Based on this, it is important to continue to provide specific writing and verbal feedback to the student in reference to the rubrics and checkpoints. I will continue to support my students in their learning by setting high expectations and continuing to guide their growth. With the feedback given to the students on the rubric, I would want to communicate clearly to the student ways in which the model map should be improved and will allow the student time to make these changes and resubmit the model map to the teacher.

I may not have been clear in my directions to these students or the students might benefit from a different type of instruction that was not used to explain the appropriate components in a solar system model. I also might have not given each student enough time to complete the assessment. To a teacher this communicates that students can perform at a proficient level with the help of 2 other classmates. As a whole this is great! The teacher may have been clear about group expectations. This communicates that the students who are on the way to performing at a proficient level. There are no large outliers in the group. I may have been clearer about directions in one area but not all.

Quantitative Student Learning Quantitative Student Learning & Demographics

I will continue using peers as a tool in the classroom in order to learn. I will find more strategies that the students can use to teach one another and collaborate. I would want to look at the individual rubric of the students model map and identify whether the student is struggling with components, sequencing of planets, or labeling distances within the model. After I have identified that, I would develop an improvement plan or a strategy that could help the student improve in the specific target area. I should go back to the students previous lesson assessment and discuss with the student what the teacher could do to help make it clearer for the student. I will continue to create continuity among units and scaffold learners from lesson to lesson.

Quantitative Student Learning & Demographics Quantitative Student Learning Quantitative Student Learning

5% of the students were not proficient in 2 areas of their model map.

The student may have been absent for the previous lesson which is needed and the teacher may not have taught it in depth enough for the student. I connected the purpose of the previous math lesson and allowed the students to use their planetary worksheet which communicated the importance of accuracy and I may not have provided the students with enough time to complete the assessment or the student might have needed more guidance depending on the type of learner.

The area where most students showed mastery was within the item that involved indicating the to-scale distances of each planet from the sun. 20% (4) of the students did not demonstrate proficiency on the lesson assessment.

I would take the group of students who were not proficient and examine images of the solar system models with them in a small group setting. By doing this I would question the students about their model maps and what types of differences they within the actual mode. The students can identify different changes that need to be made and then with the guidance of the teacher construct a new larger model.

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