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The Personal Learning Plan is an evolving touchstone document for developing your Leading Schools Project and reflecting on your learning with your critical friend. For each PLP reflection (3/year), you will review/refine your plan and describe the related Wicked Awesome Learning Opportunities (WALOs) that you have pursued at your school site. After sharing your written reflection with your critical friend, you will have the opportunity to have a reflective conversation about your work. This document will lead into your Leading School Project Program Reflection. 1. What are you working on, and what do you hope to accomplish, in terms of a) The craft of teaching/working with students? Currently, I teach Physics to grade 9 & 10 students. I try to make teaching effective by integrating technology. I use tools like presentations, videos, animations, demonstrations, models, applets to make the subject interesting. This year, I aspire to strengthen problem solving skill of my students. Creating PBL environment using BLM will be key to achieve the above desired result. b) Relationship with students and understanding students. Being an advisory of 26 students, I try to help in all possible ways to achieve their desired results curricular as well as co-curricular. I am in touch with my advisee students through whatsapp outside the school. My goal this year for my advisee students is to be a surrogate parent and guide/help them constantly in their endeavour to achieve DRs. c) Being a leader and collaborating with colleagues. I wish to collaborate with teachers of other subjects. 2. What learning goals (drawn from above) would you like to focus as this year? Know and understand the importance of all 21st century skills. How to integrate 21st century skills in teaching. 3. What activities will you engage into pursue this goals. Read about 21st century skills. Write an article / essay on 21st century skills. Discuss about them with my colleagues / CF. 4. How will you provide evidences of your progress towards these goals? My digital portfolio Student feedback / An essay


5. What fierce wonderings are emerging? Will I be able to finish the syllabus on time for grade 10? To what extent will I be able to achieve my goals? How will I manage the planning time? How will I maintain my DP? How will I implement PBL concept with group of 25-30 students? Design a set of at least three Wicked Awesome Learning Opportunities (WALOs) as possible next steps. The first WALO should be designed to help you reflect on your own practice; the second should be centred around how you share your with immediate colleagues and the last WALO asks you to lead members of your community. Ideas for WALOs are listed on the reverseor you may design your own. Each WALO is an opportunity for action and reflection enabling you to address your essential questions.


Questions for critical friend conversations: Touchstone questions for your inquiry journal and your conversations with your critical friend: As you work on your craft and work with students, what successes have you had? What challenges are you encountering? What moments stand out? As you work to develop your capacity to lead and collaborate with colleagues, what successes have you had? What are challenges remain? What moments stand out? As you think about your Leading Schools Project, what fierce wonderings emerge? What has happened, and what are you learning? What are your next steps?

WALOs (Wicked Awesome Learning Opportunities): Reflect on your practice Write an article. Keep a regular journal about your practice. Share this with a colleague.

Share with a colleague Plan a project or curricular unit with a colleague. Read a book and discuss with colleagues. Lead your community Seek out a professional expert who can serve as a sounding board for your ideas. Lead a staff meeting, study group, or staff-day activity / workshop.

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