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Fill in the chart below with important achievements the Han made in each category.

On the left side of the chart draw a sketch before writing your detailed explanation. ACHIEVEMENT AND SKETCH DETAILED EXPLANATION

1. Warfare http: en weapon.asp

%. &overnment http: www.bu$$ articles han'dynasty'china.html

*. +griculture

http: han'dynasty' crops.html

!his picture shows a weapon from the Han "ynasty. !his was an important era for the development of iron and steel weapons. #oon iron and steel replaced bron$e in this era. Weapons like this were used in war. !his picture shows soldiers in an army. !hey are led by the king. !hey are very important in the government. !hey help in battles and war( and win success. Without the soldiers( the Han "ynasty wouldn)t be safe or ready for an attack from an enemy. !his picture shows plants that are growing that could possibly be rice. !he Han "ynasty had many essential food sources. !he Han "ynasty had trouble with farming depending on the season. +lthough grain and rice were largely consumed during the Han "ynasty.

!his picture shows a vessel. +s you can see( in the Han "ynasty( they made wonderful things( such as this vessel here. !his vessel looks like it is made out of bron$e. ,. -ndustry !hat is what they usually http: art'of'asia ceramics early'chinese' ceramics'han.cfm used to make their industries out of. .. +rt !his picture shows a 2hinese tomb guardian statue. !hese were used in the Han "ynasty in %03 4.2. to %%0 +.". this was used to protect the soul of the dead and ob5ects included the http: od from/exhibitions one)s burial from evil. ig summer01 sumex01/01.htm 3. 6edicine !his picture shows some tea that could possibly cure you if you are sick. 6edicine from about %000 years ago here was made in the Han "ynasty. !hese medicines are referred as 7classical formulas.8 http: herbal.html 2lassical formulas are generally small. 7. #cience !his picture shows an instrument used by scientists. !he Han "ynasty was very advanced in science. !he scientists were aware of earth9uakes so they use this instrument in the picture to detect earth9uakes. !he bron$e ball in the dragon)s http: %011 0% advances' mouth will drop into the in'science.html

frog)s mouth.

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