Sep Study Plan

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,a&ult of En*ineerin* Student E-&#an*e Pro*ra%%e .

SEP/ SEP Stud Plan ,or%

Notes a. Complete all items of this form on the computer (use the tab to move from item to item). b. This form is not used for requesting module mapping approval. Please follow the instructions and use the forms at http: sep mapping.htm to request for module mapping approval. c. !ou will not be allowed to transfer credits bac" to #$% without the approval. d. !our %&P department coordinator should onl' endorse on 'our %&P stud' plan when the mapping for all modules listed are approved b' the relevant authorities. (a. )ull #ame: Mr Attabik Awan (c. ,iscipline *a-or: *echanical &ngineering .a. Partner $niversit' Techincal $niversit' /f ,armstadt 1a. (b. *atriculation +egistration #o: U A0074784R

.c. %&P Period: AY.0(. .0(1 %emester ( *odule codes 2 titles at the assigned Partner $niversit' that fulfills degree requirements at #$%: ( *achines of )orming Technolog' 5 2 55 (3.(13.( 6eat and *ass Transfe 04.001(.( Ph'sics 55 (8ecture) 04.001(.. Ph'si" 55 (Tutorial) 0..0(:(.( (lecture) 0..0(:(.7 (Tutorial) Philosophical Philosophical aspects aspects of of engineering engineering

*odule codes 2 titles required at #$% to 1b. fulfill degree requirements:

*&1((. *echanics of *achines *&1(.. 6eat Transfer

PC(71. Ph'sics 55

&9.70( &ngineering Professionalism *& 1.1. Compressible )low *& 1(3. *anufacturing Processes *& .(7. )eedbac" Control %'stems

(3.((.4030 ;erod'amics 55 !et to be mapped !et to be mapped

Approval of SEP Stud Plan !"o be endorsed b t#e student$s depart%ent SEP &oordinator #ttp'((www)en*)nus)edu)s*(sep(&onta&t)#t%+' )ull #ame 2 ,esignation: *echanical &ngineering %ignature< ,ate 2 /fficial %tamp:

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