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LIFEINSURANCECORPORATIONOFINDIA Southern Zone EngagementofDirectSalesExecutives

LICofIndiaproposestoengageDirectSalesExecutivesforvariousofficesoftheCorporation purelyonacontractbasisforaperiodofthreeyearsonlyunderthejurisdiction ofSouthern ZonalOffice.The approximate number of Direct Sales Executive required will be 1844. The number of engagements may be changed duringtheselectionprocessdependingontherequirementsoftheoffice.
VacanciestobeNotified ST OBC













77 141 29
44 31 123 143 82 82 44 47 61 53

2 2 4 5 5 7 1 5 0 1 3 0 0

32 52 7 12 12 43 45 27 14 8 8 12 11

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55 78 20 22 20 69 69 46 39 20 25 33 31

168 275 63 87 70 247 263 166 136 77 89 107 96

1. JOBREQUIREMENT: It is primarily a Marketing job. The DSEs shall be directly responsible for Procuring New Business, ProvidingPolicyServicingandrelatedjobsfromtheareasallottedtothem.Theyshallalsocarryoutanyother instructions given to them from time to time. For this purpose considerable movements including tours coveringentireareaallottedtothemareinvolved. 2. ELIGIBILITYCONDITIONS: a) Qualification: ApplicantshallpossesstheBachelorsDegreeofaUniversityestablishedinIndiaunderastatute.Preference may be given to those applicants who possess a Bachelor Degree or Diploma in Marketing /Management. Good working knowledge of English and also one Regional language preferably local language is desirable. KnowledgeofsoftskillssuchasPowerPoint/Word/Excelwouldbeadditionaladvantage.


Age: (i)Theapplicantshallhavecompleted21yearsofageandnotmorethan35yearsofageason 01.06.2013 (cutoffdate).

(ii) Theupperagelimitason1.6.2013ofanapplicantbelongingtoagroupgivenbelowshallnotexceed theagementionedincorrespondingcolumnno.(3): Sr. No. (1) (1) (2) (3) Category (2) Memberofa ScheduledCaste or aScheduledTribe Member of OBCs (other than thoseincreamylayer). Exserviceman Agelimitinyears (3) 40 38 35,increasedbythenumberofyearsofservicein the armed forces subject to maximum age of 45 yearswhereheisamemberofOBCsand47years whereheisamemberofSCorSTandMaximumof 42yearsinOtherthanSC,ST,OBCCases.

c) d) e) f) g)

ThespouseofemployeesandagentsofLICofIndiashallnotbeeligibleforengagement. AgentsofLICofIndiaholdingvalidlicenseissuedbytheIRDAarenoteligibleforengagement. AgentshavingvalidIRDAlicenseandworkingwithotherinsurersneedtosubmitNOCfromtheir insurer. Thoseapplicantswillbegivenpreferencewhohavepriormarketingexperience. Reservation:ReservationforSC,ST,&OBCshallbeprovidedasperrules.

3. REMUNERATION: Direct Sales Executives, on engagement will be paid monthly remuneration, which will be entirely performance based. Thequantumis dependent on DSEs achievement ofspecific business benchmarks and performanceofassignedtaskstothesatisfactionofCorporation. 4. SELECTIONPROCEDURE a) Selection will be made on the basis of a written test (if necessary), followed by an Interview of candidates who qualify in the written test. Written Test (if any) may be held at the centre where Direct Marketing Unit applied for is located. The written test (if any) will be of Objective Type coveringSalesaptitude,TestofReasoning,NumericalAbilityandGeneralKnowledge.Thedateand venue of the written test, if to be conducted, will be communicated to the eligible candidates through email and also posted on the website under link Careers and then ENGAGEMENT OF DIRECT SALES EXECUTIVES. Candidates are advised to check the site for this purpose. b) Interview: Candidatessuccessfulinthewrittentest(ifconducted)oreligiblecandidateswillbecalled foranInterview.TheCorporationreservestherighttorestrictthenumberofcandidatestobecalled for written test and/or interview commensurate with number of Direct Sales Executives to be engagedandthedecisionoftheCorporationinthisregardshallbefinal.Nocorrespondencewillbe entertainedinthisregard.

c) Theselectedcandidatessubjecttotheirbeingfoundmedicallyfit bytheMedicalExaminerauthorized by LIC for the purpose will have to undergo Theoretical training and pass IRDA licensing test for obtainingalicensetoprocureLifeInsuranceBusinesswithinamaximumperiodofthreemonthsin maximum three attempts, following which he may be engaged as an apprentice Direct Sales Executive.

d) AsanapprenticeshipDSE,thecandidateshallhavetoundergoinsurancerelatedtrainingandpassa testonthesame.TheapprenticeDSEshallbepaidafixedonetimestipendofRs3500/(Rs.Three thousandfivehundredonly)asperrulesoftheScheme. e) Onsuccessfulcompletionoftheapprenticeshipandpassingthetest,thecandidateshallbeengaged asa DirectSalesExecutivepurelyoncontractbasissubjecttoconditionsframedbytheCorporation. f) Theselectedcandidate will beallottedspecific areaofoperation during theperiod ofengagement basedonBusinessrequirements. g) ItisclarifiedthatselectionasaDirectSalesExecutivedoesnotconferanyrightonthecandidateto beappointedasanemployeeintheCorporation. 5. APPLICATIONFEES(NONREFUNDABLE): Forallcandidates(otherthanSC/STcategory):Rs.100/(Rs.Onehundredonly).Theapplicationfeeshallbe paid by cash only at the cash counter during cash hours only of any Branch office of Life Insurance CorporationofIndiaunderAccountCode 114034. 6. HOWTOAPPLY: Candidates are necessarily required to apply Online through LICs website under the heading Careers or CLICK HERE. No other means/mode of applications will be accepted. Theapplicationprocesswillbeinfollowingstages: I. ApplicantsarefirstrequiredtogototheLICswebsitewww.licindia.inandclickontheCareersto open the link ENGAGEMENT OF DIRECT SALES EXECUTIVES. Thereafter, open the Recruitment NotificationandtakeaprintoutoftheentireRecruitmentNotification.Thecandidateshallvisitthe nearest LIC Branch Office and make the payment of application fee of Rs. 100/ in cash (not applicable for SC/ST candidates). No other mode of payment shall be acceptable. Miscellaneous receiptissuedbytheLICofIndiaintokenofthefeescollectedwillhavetobesubmittedwiththe call letter at the time of the written test / interview. Without the Miscellaneous Receipt, the candidatewillnotbeallowedtoappearinthewrittentest/interview. Candidates are required to keep the original and photocopy of the miscellaneous receipt for future use. Candidateshavetoregisteronlineonlyafterobtainingthemiscellaneousreceiptforpaymentofapplication fee(notapplicableforSC/ST)atthecashcollectioncentreofLIC.Ifnot,applicationshallbeinvalid.

II. Candidates satisfying the conditions of eligibility as on 01.06.2013 are required to log in to LICs website under the heading Careers for submission of applications online. Once the candidate clicks open the link ENGAGEMENT OF DIRECT SALES EXECUTIVES, another link titled ONLINE APPLICATION FOR ENGAGEMENT OF DIRECT SALES EXECUTIVES2013istobeopened.Itredirectsthecandidatestotheonlineregistrationpage.The candidateisrequiredtokeepthedetailsaboutbiodataandMiscellaneousReceiptreadytoenable him/her to fill up the application form correctly. The name of the candidate or his/her father/husbandetc.shouldbespeltcorrectlyintheapplicationasitappearsinthecertificates/mark sheets.Thecandidateisprovidedtheoptiontorecheckthedataorsubmittheformaftercompleting thedetails.WhilefillingtheFeeDetailsintheonlineapplicationform,candidatesarerequiredto enterandcheckthefollowing:

a) LIC Branch Code (Upper Left Hand Corner of the Miscellaneous Receipt) Maximum 4 characters(AlphaNumeric). b) MiscellaneousCollection Number Maximum 6 Digits (appearing intheshadedportion of theBox). c) TransactionNumber(Tr.No.) Maximum8Digits(appearingontheLeftHandCornerofthe Receipt). d) TransactionDate(appearingontheUpperLeftHandCorneroftheReceipt).Aspecimenof theMiscellaneousReceiptshowingtheabovefieldsisshownbelowforreference. LIFE INSURANCE CORPORATION OF INDIA *Branch: *Date: *Tr. No.: Miscellaneous Receipt Received with thanks Rs.100/ in cash from Smt/Ms/Sri _____________________ towards the following: *Miscellaneous Collection No.: ________ Account Code No.: Rupees One hundred only Signature

Fieldsmarked*aremandatory&arerequiredtobefilledintheonlineapplication.BranchCodeandDateof deposit of application fees should be filled in by the candidate correctly. On successful acceptance of appropriate validations in the online application form, a unique Registration number and Password is generatedanddisplayedtothecandidate.AtthesametimetheRegistrationNumberandPasswordarealso emailed to the candidate. The candidate is advised to take a printout of the application form after completingtheapplicationforfutureuse.Thecandidatecanalsoreprinttheapplicationsubsequentlytillthe lastdateforapplicationbyproviding(i)RegistrationNumberand(ii)Password.

CandidatescanlogonforRegistrationofApplicationsonthedatesgivenbelow: ProgrammeDates: Opening date for Collection of fees at Branches of LIC: 17.06.2013 Opening Date of OnLine Registration : 17.06.2013 Last Date for acceptance of Application Fees : 06.07.2013 Closing Date for Online Registration : 07.07.2013

Candidates shall be solely responsible for filling up the online applications correctly. In case of invalid applications duetoerrors committedby theapplicant no claims for refund ofapplication fees socollected shall be entertained by the Corporation. To avoid last minute rush, candidates are advised to pay the applicationfees(whereverapplicable)andregisteronlineattheearliest. III. After the online application is submitted and the candidate has taken printout of the application form,heisadvisedtoretaintheapplicationprintoutandaffixarecentpassportsizephotographon the appropriate space on it. Application print out is required to be submitted at the time of interview. Candidates are advised to retain four copies of the same photograph which will be required at various stages of selection process. The candidates can download the call letter for written test / interview from the LICs website and affix the same photograph as affixed on the applicationform.Thiscallletteriscompulsorilytobebroughtbythecandidateatthetimeofwritten test/interviewalongwiththeMiscellaneousReceipt. IV. ThecandidatesareadvisedNOTtosendtheapplicationformtoanyLICofficeotherthanbringingit personallyatthetimeofinterview. 7.GENERALINSTRUCTIONS: (a) Candidates should ascertain, before applying, that they satisfy all the eligibility conditions as stipulatedinthenotification.Candidateswhodonotsatisfytheeligibilityconditionsareliabletobe disqualifiedatanystageofselectionwithoutfurtherreferencetothem. (b)Decision oftheCorporation inall matters regarding eligibility, conduct of examination, other tests, Interview,selectionandallotmentwouldbefinalandbindingonallcandidates.Norepresentation orcorrespondencewillbeentertainedbytheCorporationinthisregard. (c) In case more than one application is received from an applicant for the same Division and/or differentDivisionsand/ordifferentZonesthen,thefirstapplicationreceivedfromtheapplicantas peronlinerecordshallbetreatedashisonlyapplicationandallotherapplicationsshallbetreated as invalid. In case of any doubt or dispute, the decision of the Zonal Manager shall be final and binding on the applicant. Therefore, applicants in their own interest are advised to register only singleapplication. (d)AtthetimeofInterview,thecandidatewillbringthefollowingdocuments: a) PrintoutofApplicationForm (withphotograph) b) Callletter(withphotograph) c) OriginalandphotocopyofMisc.receiptissuedbyLIC d) Original&attestedphotocopiesof: a.SSC/HSC/MunicipalBirthCertificateshowingtheDateofBirth b.BachelorsDegreeCertificate c. Caste Certificate issued by the Competent Authority in case of SC/ST/OBC Candidates d.DischargeCertificateincaseofEx Servicemen e.EvidenceofMarketingExperience. (e) CANVASSINGINANYFORMWILLBEADISQUALIFICATION. ______________________________________________________________________________________ Date: 17.06.2013 Place: ChennaiZonalManager ________________________________________________________________________________________

Land Line OFFICE No ChennaiI 04424796073 Koyambedu 04424747565 ChennaiII 04842374023 Ernakulam 04812302409 Kottayam 04952724841 Kozhikode 04522385500 Madurai 04132200261 Puducherry Thiruvananthapuram 04712315804 04622577006 Tirunelveli 04312740051 Tiruchirappalli 04162206214 Vellore 04428221622 ChennaiIEgmore 04272430054 Salem 04222303516 Coimbatore Thrissur Tuticorin

Sl.No 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16

NAME R.Christopher A.Sumanth C.A.Jolly V.K.Sreekumar M.P.Sreejith P.Vairamuthu J.Ravishankar R.Rajasree S.A.Ajaikumar K.Kumaran VagulaBooshanam P.K.Vinod SanthoshKumarNair P.RameshKumar GSanthosh B.RajasekaranNair

DESIGNATION Dy.Mgr Dy.Mgr Dy.Mgr Dy.Mgr Dy.Mgr Dy.Mgr Dy.Mgr Mgr Asst.Mgr Dy.Mgr Dy.Mgr AsstMgr Dy.Mgr Asst.Mgr Dy.Mgr Dy.Mgr


9843237632 9884626561 9746511409 9895043632 8281913054 9443352258 9884373349 9446551551 9443450444 9443144311 9443065857 7418727153 9488600126 9842257657 04872423744 8547698840 04612330607 7598720210

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