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Teacher Information Page for Poetry

Activity Summary and Rationale:

Activity #1: Student instructions: With a partner or two other people you will use the "Jumanji Poem" above to create a poetry theater. If you have a group of 3 students, 1 student will read the poem while the other two act it out. If you have 2 students in your group you will take turns reading and acting out the poem. While acting out the poem use your voice, face, and body to express the feelings in the poem. The students will begin by reading the Jumanji found poem that was created from the book. The students will then read the Jumanji Poem. This poem contains two poetic devices (repetition and rhyme). After reading the Jumanji Poem the students will create a poetry theater in groups of 2 or 3. The students are encouraged to act out the poem by using their facial expressions, voice, and body to show the emotions in the poem and make it come alive. The students can go through the poem more than one time allowing the students to act out different parts of the poem.

Activity #2: Student Instructions: When reading the above poem Jumanji you can see that it has the poetic device of rhyme. You will read the poem and then do a rewrite. You will rewrite the even number lines (line 2, line 4, line 6, ....). You have to make sure the word at the end of your new line rhymes with the word on the line above it. For example line #1 says: Jumanji, is a secret city of gold. You will then write your own line for line #2 with a word that rhymes with gold (bold, cold, sold, old, mold, ....). You will do this for the entire poem, and then read your rewrite out loud to a classmate. The students will do a poetry rewrite. The students will have to rewrite the even lines of the poem. This will cause the students to practice writing rhyming poems. The student will have to have foundational knowledge of rhyming words to complete the poem. The student will then have to practice their speaking and listening skills by reading their poem to their peers.

Blooms Levels Addressed:

Activity #1: The students will use all the levels of Blooms Taxonomy in this activity. The students will have to remember and understand what they read in the poem. They will then be required to analyze the information and evaluate the meaning of each line in the poem. The students will then apply what they took away from the poem and create a poetry theater that shows their understanding of the poem and the emotions within the poem. Activity #2: The students will use the Blooms levels of understanding and creating for this activity. The students will have to understand the concept of rhyming words and odd and even line numbers. The student will have to apply this knowledge when creating their poetry rewrite.

Common Core Standards addressed on the Poetry page:

Comprehension and Collaboration: CCSS.ELA-LITERACY.SL.3.1 Engage effectively in a range of collaborative discussions (one-on-one, in groups, and teacher-led) with diverse partners on grade 3 topics and texts, building on others' ideas and expressing their own clearly. CCSS.ELA-LITERACY.SL.3.1.A Come to discussions prepared, having read or studied required material; explicitly draw on that preparation and other information known about the topic to explore ideas under discussion. CCSS.ELA-LITERACY.SL.3.1.B

Follow agreed-upon rules for discussions (e.g., gaining the floor in respectful ways, listening to others with care, speaking one at a time about the topics and texts under discussion). CCSS.ELA-LITERACY.SL.3.1.C Ask questions to check understanding of information presented, stay on topic, and link their comments to the remarks of others. CCSS.ELA-LITERACY.SL.3.1.D Explain their own ideas and understanding in light of the discussion.

Craft and Structure CCSS.ELA-LITERACY.RL.3.5 Refer to parts of stories, dramas, and poems when writing or speaking about a text, using terms such as chapter, scene, and stanza; describe how each successive part builds on earlier sections. CCSS.ELA-LITERACY.RL.3.6 Distinguish their own point of view from that of the narrator or those of the characters.

Range of Reading and Level of Text Complexity: CCSS.ELA-LITERACY.RL.3.10 By the end of the year, read and comprehend literature, including stories, dramas, and poetry, at the high end of the grades 2-3 text complexity band independently and proficiently.

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