Prayer Guide For E22 Fall Retreat

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Prayer Guide for E22 Fall

Day Date Prayer Need
1 Nov 1 Pray for God to be preparing Hearts. Life changing retreats are not
the result of a two day burst of God’s activity, but are often the
result of God’s spirit having been at work for weeks, months, years.
2 Nov 2 Pray for great conversations between our students and their friends
about the retreat. Pray that many would seize the opportunity to
take a break from hectic life and seek God with us.
3 Nov 3 Pray for parents of non-Cornerstone students. Pray they would be
excited and encouraging to their student about this retreat.

4 Nov 4 Pray for Mark Arant that God would give him clear vision on what to
say and how to challenge the students of Escape22.

5 Nov 5 Pray for the Anthem band. Pray they would continue to not only lead
lives of worship on the stage, but off as well. Ask God to give them
great time with him in preparation for the retreat weekend.
6 Nov 6 Pray for the logistics of the retreat. For all those handling the details
of registration, transportation, activities, rooming, food, and etc.

7 Nov 7 Pray for the Escape leadership team. Pray for their work and families
that they are leaving for a weekend to continue to shepherd their
small groups. Pray God would bless them with energy and joy.
8 Nov 8 Pray for the physical health of the students, leaders, staff, and etc.
Pray God would keep us free from the flu so that no one would miss
out or be distracted.
9 Nov 9 Pray for a distraction free weekend, a true opportunity to put aside
school work, drama, etc. to seek the Lord.

10 Nov Pray for great weather. Though great weather is not a necessity,
pray the weather would be gorgeous to keep us safe in travel and
10 more excited to be alive.
11 Nov Pray for our last night of registrations to come in. Pray for 150
12 Nov Pray for God to move- that the weekend would bear much eternal
fruit. That many new lives would choose to follow God and others
12 would devote themselves with great passion and devotion.
13 Nov Pray against Satan’s attacks. Satan loves to discourage us when we
are on the brink of great things. Pray the students would come
13 ready, the leaders excited, and Mark anointed by the Spirit.
Prayer Guide for E22 Fall

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