Vehicle Technologies Incubator

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Funding Summary Outline for State/Federal Programs Application Title Funding Agency (State or Federal) Instrument Type Issue

Date Pre-Application Due Date Encourage/Discourage Email Application Due Date Total Program Monetary Award ($) Vehicle Technologies Incubator DOE Grant

Total Program Funding: 10,000,000 Award Ceiling: Award Floor:

Program Area/Description Period of Performance for Monetary Award Cost Share (Yes or No) If Yes give Percentage (%) 12-24 months Yes

For research and development projects, 20% of the total project costs; and for demonstration and commercial application projects, 50 % of the total project costs
Focuses on funding small businesses, colleges, universities, institutions of higher learning and university affiliated research institutions with approaches and solutions that are not currently represented in the Offices Multi-Year Program Plan and/or existing project portfolio. Upon completion, these projects should represent new pathways, research directions, or market impacts for key technologies and concepts in the context of vehicles and transportation

Program Objective

State Proposal Funding Restrictions Format -


Print Name: ______________________ Signature: ___________________ ____ Date: _______________________

Word Count: 174

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