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Moll Flanders is the autobiography of a prostitute.

It is dominated by the most lively realistic details in the handling of which Defoe showed his knowledge of the English social and economic life.Moll uses her beauty to achieve personal security and her sex is a commodity which she is continuously trying to sell.Although she is penitent in the end and thus allowed to find peace after her numberless adventures she has no moral sense at all only a deep and constant sense of the value of money.Moll Flanders with her shrewd awareness of the relation between cash and reputation points forward to !ecky "harp#from $illiam %hackeray&s novel entitled 'anity Fair( whose behaviour and fortune show the gap between gentility and morality.Moll represents the active type of picaro the one mastering her own destiny."he always has the initiative she is careful about her possible profits and losses.)owever she is the individualist created by a mercantile morality.)er only way out of her troubles is her survival as an individual in accordance with the social training preaching egotism above other values.%he book lacks form it is made up of a string of events and the protagonist is not seen in stable relationships with other characters.

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