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77) ja fizis/ Zoe aver Eire On) Education i isi Seorss Oyercrowcing) Glasssize Finanual Management, ity Works WelllWith Others baie cs ad av BY FJ ay F/ Bloomberg couldn't be trusted with term limits. He can’t be trusted with our schools! Test Scores? Bloomberg SAYS reading test scores ae up, ‘but the US Dept. of Education says theyre FLAT. Overcrowding & Class Size? \iiledevelopersran wld BLOOMBERG CUT NEW SCHOOL CONSTRUCTION 60% ast year clas sites increase by the lagest amount inten years Financial Management? No-bid convacts up 50,000 since 2001 $1 billion a year wasted on teaching tothe test ‘Added 10,000 bureaucrats, but fewer than 1,000 teachers Equity? Achievement gap between racial groups unchanged —US Dept, of Education ‘ew “boutique” schools enol fewer studen's who arn't uentin English or havespecal needs Works Well With Others? loomierg fies board members who clsagree with him Defies ity Counc, baming cell ponesthat keep Ns Intouch with theif Bloomberg ells parents to get ost BILL THOMPSON would: Build the schoolswe relly need Limit high stakes testing Support a fll curriculum fo ll, Including science, the arts history and physical education GGIVE PARENTS AREAL VOICE IN THEIR KIDS' EDUCATION When BILL THOMPSON wes school board president: Test scores improved more than unde: Bloomber) He fxed fang schools and streamlined bureaucracy Thompson madeimprovements that worked NYC KIDS PAC ENDORSES BILL THOMPSON FOR MAYOR ‘eral ifo@NYCKISPAC rg

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