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Data Race Conditions: %hen memor is identified as shared, all threads access the exact same memor location.

.%hen OpenMP pragmas or directives while memor is identified as private, however, a encountering them during compilation phase, separate cop of the variable is made for each however, the compiler does not perform or ignores thread. the detection of data-race conditions. Thus, a loop similar to the following example, in which multiple threads are updating the variable x will lead to undesirable results. In such a situation, the code ' default, all the variables in a parallel region needs to be modified via privatization or are shared, with three exceptions( s nchronized using mechanisms li!e mutexes. "or example, ou can simpl add the private(x) parallel for loops, the loop index is clause to the parallel for pragma to eliminate private. In the next example, the ! variable is the data-race condition on variable x for this loop. private.
// A data race condition exists for variable x; // you can eliminate it by adding private(x) clause. #pragma omp parallel for for ( k = 0; k !0; k"" ) # x = sin(k$%.0)$&00 " &; if ( x ' (0 ) x = x ) (0 " &; printf ( *x )d = )d+n*, k, x ); -

variables that are local to the bloc! of the parallel region are private. $n variables listed in the private, firstprivate, lastprivate, or reduction clauses are private. The Private variables are initialized with default value using default constructor.

OpenMP, it is easier to overloo! data-race conditions. One tool that helps identif such situations is Intel Thread #hec!er, which is an addon to Intel VTune Performance $nal zer. Managing shared and private data:
In writing multithreaded programs, understanding which data is shared and which is private, not onl to performance, but also for program correctness. OpenMP ma!es this distinction apparent to the programmer through a set of clauses such as s.ared, private, and default. %ith OpenMP, it is the developer&s responsibilit to indicate to the compiler which pieces of memor should be shared among the threads and which pieces should be !ept private.

Department CSE, SCAD CET

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