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TOPIC: Illegal parking around Deree College

PURPOSE: To persuade my audience that by using the College Bus Transportation

or by making a parking facility for the students they can eliminate the problem of illegal parking around Deree College.

THESIS STATEMENT: We can eliminate the problem of illegal parking around

Deree College by making a parking facility for the students or by using the College Bus Transportation.

PREVIEW: We can eliminate the problem of illegal parking around Deree College
that causes a lot of problems for the students and the inhabitants of the Municipality of Agia araske!i by making a parking facility or by using the College Bus Transportation.

Attention Material: "A #uestion$ %o& many of you ha!e e!er parked illegally
around Deree College'

Reveal Topic: Illegal parking around Deree College Establish Credibilit : I ha!e made a sur!ey &ith se!enty #uestionnaires about
this problem guided by Mr. (atsas and Mrs. irocacos. I usually come by car to the College so) I am &ell informed about the problem.

Thesis State!ent: We can eliminate the problem of illegal parking around Deree
College by making a parking facility for the students or by using the College Bus Transportation.

I. *eed. A. The problem at +ra!ias street. B. The problem at Agiou Ioannou. C. ,tatistics. D. -easons.

II. ,atisfaction. A. Deree College. .. -ecreation of +ra!ias ,treet. /. College Bus Transportation. 0. A ne& parking facility &ith more than 122 parking places. III. 3isuali4ation. A. ublic 5ni!ersity of Athens. B. ri!ate 5ni!ersity of -utgers. C. ersonal e6perience.

I. ,ummary. II. Action. A. Deree must imitate the ublic 5ni!ersity of Athens. B. ,tudents must imitate me. #iblio&raph : .. ,ur!ey "7uestionnaire about illegal parking around the Deree College$. /. Takis -ekoutis8 arking space at Deree College9A Daily *ightmare8 Mug The ,tudent 5nion Maga4ine8 3ol./ :anuary /22.. 0. (atounas etros8 ;!er &ondered9'8 Mug The ,tudent 5nion Maga4ine8 3ol./ :anuary /22.. <. http:==&&&

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