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Take-Home Sheet5th Grade Unit 3

Take-Home Sheet
Dear Parents: Heres what were working on this month. We are learning about El Salvador while practicing vocabulary and phrases related to Las clases (Classes), La hora de clase (The Time of Class), Actividades divertidas (Fun Activities), and La escuela (School). These are some words and sentences to practice at home with your child. Depending on your childs level, you can do the following exercises: Read the vocabulary and the sentences on the back and have your child repeat them to you. Make flashcards from the words and phrases and practice by quizzing your child on the words. Give your child a spelling test with the vocabulary. Use the vocabulary in and outside the home. Go to and search for MHA Spanish Grade 5 Unit 3. There are many fun online activities for practicing the vocabulary.

Take-Home Sheet5th Grade Unit 3

Part 1 Las clases

arte art ciencias sociales social studies educacin fsica physical education historia history ingls English lenguaje- language matemticas math msica music bolgrafo pen borrador eraser cuaderno - notebook lpiz/lapices pencil/pencils papel paper alumno student escuela - school maestro - teacher uniforme - uniform pas - country volcn/volcanes - volcano aprendo I learn estudiamos we study mi clase favorita es my favorite class is me pongo de pie I stand up

Part 2 La hora de clase

calificaciones - grades centavo cent dlar dollar himno nacional- national anthem horario escolar school schedule promedio average recreo recess primero first ltimo last entro I enter salgo I leave el precio es - the price is de la maana/tarde in the morning/afternoon qu hora es? What time is it? es la una Its one oclock son las seis Its six oclock

Part 3 Actividades divertidas

baloncesto basketball bisbol - baseball ftbol football clarinete clarinet guitarra guitar trompeta - trumpet carnaval carnival comida food desfile parade deporte sport feria - fair helado ice cream pastel cake vacaciones vacations acampar to camp bailar to dance

Part 4 La escuela
examen test medioda noon artstico artistic atltico athletic

Take-Home Sheet5th Grade Unit 3

pgina Web web page tarea homework

maravilloso marvelous talentoso - talented

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