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"Lucozade" What is the poem about? The poem describes a daughters worry about her mother in hospital.

The mother seems very unhappy about being in hospital and all of the boring, typical gifts she is given by visitors. he would rather have lu!uries or treats. "t the end of the poem the narrator clears the bedside cabinet and ther is a positive tone to the end although it is unclear what the e!act fate of the mother is. There seems to be a sense of relief and happiness as the mother has escaped her suffering. #ow does the narrator feel in the poem? The narrator is very worried at the start of the poem as she thin$s her mum is going to die. he seems %uite confused by some of the lu!ury items mentioned by her mother as she is only si!teen. When she clears the cabinet at the end she seems to feel a sense of relief and happiness. he mentions singing and that her mother is &beautiful' and radiant' giving a sense of (oy and freedom. What are some successful techni%ues)phrases)ideas that are included to e!press the main ideas? "I am scared my mum is going to die on the bed..." A clear indication early in the poem that the narrator is very worried. "Orange nostalgia, thats what it is..." In the past, Lucozade was commonly associated with people who are ill and was supposed to provide energy or those recovering rom illness. Li!e the other "typical items it suggests the mother is not interested in it. ""#he whole day was a blur, a swarm o eyes$ #he use o imagery suggests that the mother eels uncom ortable and bothered by many people loo!ing at her. #he word %swarm$ is commonly associated with unpleasant insects that cause pain or discom ort. %&lur$ suggests the mother is perhaps tired and cant 'uite ocus on what is happening. %#hose doctors with their white lies$ #he mother doesnt trust the doctors about her health and the use o white can be associated with the typical dress o a doctor in a white coat. "wheres the big brandy, the generous gin, the &loody (ary, the biscuit tin, the chocolate gingers, the dirty big meringue)" listing o lu*ury items shows that the mother is un+loving and wants to en,oy her li e while she can. -he re,ects the boring, obvious items and as!s or alcohol and unhealthy .but tasty/ treats instead. "I leave, bags ull, Lucozade, grapes, oranges, sad chrysanthemums under my arms" the daughter removes the items which depressed her mother, almost removing a negative burden rom the room. "(y mother, on her high hospital bed, waves bac!" A positive image o her mother, seemingly happy now. 0ossible connotations o the %high$ bed relating to heaven) "1er sheets billow and whirl. -he is beauti ul." Another very positive image almost angelic in the description o her mother.

"I carry the orange nostalgia home singing an old song." #he Lucozade is removed and the daughter now seems relieved and contented as she goes home 2O3#4A-# with opening eelings o worry.

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