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Supervision Meeting Record Template

Research Students Details Full Name, in capital letters ALEJANDRA CASTANO ECHEVERRI Name of School/Department/Centre School of Social Science Department of Media and Communication Date of Formal Supervisory Meeting 14/11/2013 (Jack Newsinger) Please use the space below to record the main details of the formal supervisory meeting. Please continue on an additional sheet if needed. The meeting record should be signed by a member of the supervisory team to confirm that it is accurate. Research students must keep a record of all formal supervisory meetings. Details of Matters Discussed Revision of literature review; references and proposed framework for analysis, submitted on November 12nd, 2013.

Targets/Actions Agreed Explain the phenomena by connecting the concepts. Think of the role of producers as authors. Develop media production and practices. Cultural studies, how can the rationale be done under this perspective? Lack of narrative conflict, interesting point of investigation. Develop it. Look at structure, qualitative interviews.

Date for Next Meeting

Supervisor Confirmation I confirm that this is an accurate record of the formal supervisory meeting. Supervisors Signature and Date

Formal Supervision Meeting Record


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