Unemployment News Article

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The NY News: New York City, New York

January 1, 2090

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3ritten an! +!itie! by 4aith /icciar!i

0eople bet!een the ages of 12 and 23 are lacking basic communication skills needed to carry out daily %obs. ,his generation has become so focused on technology to communicate that they don$t kno! ho! to effecti"ely communicate !hen it comes to inter"ie!s, discussions, and meetings.


Psychologists believe technology is negatively e ecting the !evelo"#ent o young "eo"le$ Technology has beco#e to convenient an! accessible that no one takes the ti#es to have verbal conversations any#ore$ Technology allows "eo"le to hi!e behin! a screen instea! o "utting the e ort into a real conversation$ %en!ing a te&t #essage or e#ail to e&"ress your o"inions is #uch #ore a""ealing to society then having a verb conversation$ 't is beco#ing a big "roble# in society$

Due to the lack of communication skills, unemployment rates reached its all time high this past year. In the months of June through December 2089, unemployment rose about 40 , !hich is the highest its e"er been. #any businesses are becoming frustrated because their young employees aren$t able to successfully carry out the %obs they are re&uired to do. 'yan (ake, )!ner of *e! +ork s biggest and most successful ad"ertising agencies states, ,he young men and !omen of our society need to reali-e the "alue of communication. ,he !ay you communicate can get you "ery far in life. It is sad to see this generation destroying that. (y consuming themsel"es in technology, they are thro!ing a!ay their life and ultimately hurting our economy.

Nunc ut lectus
'#"er!iet laoreet, i"su# eni# sit lectus elis at, ali(ua# !onec "e!e, luctus "latea etia# #auris ut$ )ui vel !ia#, vitae et sceleris(ue erat volut"at viverra velit, risus "ellentes(ue tellus nulla# nibh, #orbi "osuere$

(usinesses are starting to hire less employees because of the lack of communication skill. #aria .heck, manager of the local ne!s station kno!n as *e! +ork in a #inute, stated, /e !ould rather ha"e

The NY News: New York City, New York

January 1, 2090

Psychologist 5aker believes society nee!s to un!erstan! the value an! i#"ortant o verbal co##unications$ Young "eo"le !on6t reali7e the har# technology is !oing to their lives$ .nce they get a 8ob an! are orce! to be out in the work orce, they are going be unable to e ectively co##unicate in interviews an! #eetings$ ,r$ %#ith, "rinci"al at 4allbrook 9igh school in New York City, state!, ' a# #aking a "act to change the ways o young "eo"le in to!ays society$ ,y goal is to "re"are the# or their uture 8obs once they gra!uate or# #y school$ %tarting this u"co#ing school year, ' a# going to re(uire all stu!ents to take a s"eech an! !ebate class$ ' strongly believe this will set the# on the "ath or success$ ,any other schools have a!o"te! ,r$ %#iths #etho! an! "lan on using it$ The #ayor o New York City, /obert 9ol!e#, has "ro"ose! to have the une#"loy#ent rates !ro""e! by June o this year$ 3e nee! to beco#e a society who can take care o itsel $

less employees !ho are are able to communicate than more employees that ha"e no idea !hat they are doing. 4s hard as it may be on the company, !e are !illing to put forth the e5tra time and effort to be successful. *e! +ork in a #inutes rate dropped after a month due to to poor communication skills !ith their ne!s employees. 6ocal citi-ens called and complained to the ne!s station saying that the ne!s !as poorly communicated and they !ere disappointed. ,housands of young people are left !ithout a %ob simply because they arent effecti"e communicators. 4lthough many may argue technology has made li"es easier, scientists disagree. In a recent study done by scientist 6isa 7oleman, she found that those !ho are e5posed to technology at a young age ha"e more difficulty trying to li"e !ithout it than those !ho are e5posed to it later on in life. 8nemployment is a serious issue in our !orld today. ,he &uestion that is one e"eryones mind is that is this generation able to take o"er the !orkforce and successfully deal !ith people on a day to day basis9 0eople cant get %obs simply because they aren$t suited for basic %obs, and technology is to blame for that. /hile some may think technology is helpful, it is truly

tearing our !orld do!n.

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