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Alyssa Webb

12834 S Tortoise Lane Riverton, UT 84096 T: 801-93 -1832 !: alyssar"servi#es$%&ail'#o&

See)in% a *osition t+at best (tili,es &y years o- e"*erien#e

S(&&ary !"*erien#e

National Implementation Manager, SuiteRx LLC

Allen, TX 2011-Current Re pon i!le "or #oor$ination an$ management o" a igne$ #u tomer pro%e#t , internal an$ external tatu reporting, proa#ti&e i ue triage an$ management, $o#umentation o" implementation an$ #lient training an$ #ommuni#ation' Wor( )it* t*e o"t)are in tallation team, ale team an$ exe#uti&e lea$er *ip team to en ure moot* pro$u#t laun#* an$ $eplo+ment' Re pon i!ilitie in#lu$e training, #oor$ination an$ management o" ,o-Li&e a#ti&itie , pro$u#t #on"iguration an$ po t ,oLi&e upport "or #lient a nee$e$' .ana%es 12 e&*loyees Wor)s /it+ #lient re&otely an0 travels to lo#ation on-site

-*arma#+ Ser&i#e , -*arma#+ .""i#e Manager, -*arma#+ Te#*ni#ian

San$+, /T 2000-2010

.ana%e0 12-16 e&*loyees1 0evelo*e0 *oli#y an0 *ro#e0(res -or a b(00in% #o&*any .ana%e0 *ayroll, a##o(nts re#eivable2*ayable, s#+e0(lin%, an0 trainin% oall e&*loyees' Re#overe0 319, 000 in #o&*any -(n0s' Res*onsible -or re#on#iliation bet/een t+ir0 *arties an0 t+e *+ar&a#y' 4evelo*e0 stron% relations+i*s /it+ #(rrent2*ros*e#tive #lients, or%ani,e0 in-servi#e trainin%s at #lient -a#ilities, 0evelo*e0 stron% )no/le0%e in &ain-ra&e syste&s' 5ro&ote0 3 ti&es' 6oor0inate0 all ne/ #ontra#ts in#l(0in% .e0i#are 5art 7 an0 .e0i#are 5art 4 #ontra#ts S*e#iali,e0 in t+ir0 *arty iss(es, *ri&ary billin% te#+ni#ian -or t+e *+ar&a#y

Rite Ai$ -*arma#+, Te#*ni#ian

1raper, /T 2002-2000 5+ar&a#y Te#+ni#ian Assiste0 5+ar&a#ist in all 0(ties to ens(re #o&*letion o- 0(ties Assiste0 in or0erin% inventory, Traine0 ne/ e&*loyees


Salt La(e Communit+ College

Salt La)e 6ity Uta+, 2004 an0 6(rrent 3'8 85A


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Sel--.ana%e&ent, Tea&/or), :r%ani,ation, 5ositive Attit(0e 5ro;e#t .ana%e&ent, .i#roso-t :(tloo), Ty*es 60 W5.


Available (*on re<(est'

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