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CROATIAN TORTE 6 eggs, separated 6 tbsp. Sugar 6 tbsp. Flour 1 tsp.

Baking powder Place egg whites in electric mixer, beat stiffly, then set it aside. Mix egg yolks and sugar in another bowl, beat with the mixer until its well light and thick. Remove it from the mixer and add flou rand baking powder, mix it by hand and add egg whites and mix lightly. Pour contents into two prepared 9 inch layer pans, 1 inches deep. Bake 35 to 40 minutes in a 325 degree oven. Remove cake from the pan while its hot. Let it cool down and then slice it into layers. FILLING: 5 eggs 5 tbsp. Sugar lb butter, unsalted 3 tbsp. Cocoa 5 tbsp. Ground walnuts Mix the eggs, sugar and cocoa and cook in top of a double boiler until its thick. Add the walnuts, mix and let it cool down. Add butter and mix it until its well thick. When thickened, spread between the layers of the cake. Then cover the top and sides with frosting. FROSTING: 1 stick sweet butter 1 c. confectioners sugar (poedersuiker) 2 tbsp. Cocoa Mix well, add enough milk to make the right consistency. Serves 10 to 12.

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