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Classroom Instruction Observation Form Gifted In-Field Endorsement Program

Lindsey Fredette~Tubman ES 2/26/14

Strand Component of a Standards-Based Classroom Learning goals (e.g., essential question, what students should know, understand, and be able to do by the end of the lesson) are aligned to the GPS/QCC and TAG Learning Objectives and are communicated by the teacher. Instruction begins with an engaging hook/activating strategy to strengthen learning. Observed (Tally Marks)

Observed Evidence
Framed EQs How cute is that!!! Evaluated decisionsteacher discussed this with the students.

Comments for Improvement


All essential steps of the selected critical or creative thinking strategy are introduced in a predictable and logical format. Instruction ends with a summary activity that extends the learning. Content specific vocabulary is developed in context.


Questions to the studentsWhat do you know about the Star Spangled Banner? OMG! My favorite version on YouTube of the SSB! Choosing your stepsthe students were given specific instructionsusing DECIDE Discussion as to what they liked about the SSB Negotiation Preamble Facts about Francis Scott Key Close Reading Context Clues Graphic Organizer Figurative Language Idioms Allowing students to use metacognition and use context clues for vocab. Awesome!!! Primary Sources Rewriting another Document Decide Remembering to use the

Yes Yes

Instructors questioning techniques require students to use higher order thinking skills and metacognition. Instructional tasks require students to use higher order thinking skills and metacognition.



Adapted from GA DOE GAPSS Analysis Classroom Instruction Observation Form and NAGC-CEC Teacher Standards for Gifted Education

___________ is differentiated to meet student ___________.

__Content __Process __Product __Environm ent Yes

__Readin ess __Learni ng Style(s) __Interes ts

index in the back of the bookAwesome!!! Blooms Taxonomy & Multiple Intelligences

Instruction and tasks reinforce students understanding of the purpose for what they are learning and its connection to the world beyond the classroom. Instructors role predominantly observed: Instructional delivery mode predominantly observed: Students were predominantly engaged in:

__Facilitator __Lecturer __Whole Group __Small Group __Paired __Independent __Recall Activities __Textbook Activities __Worksheet Activities __Higher Order Thinking __Performance Tasks __Discussions __Listening Yes

Online activities; different lessons based on difficultyremembering how America fought for freedom from the British. Went to each group to ensure they were on track with the levels of difficulty they choose. Group work (Partners) Think, Pair, Share Choosing Options Background; Prior Knowledge; Creating; Deciding which level of difficulty to begin; writing

The use of technology is integrated effectively into instruction.

YouTube & during hook

While they were in the groups you may want to remind them to use computers along with the books for an additional tool.

Students effectively use technology during the class period. Instructional goals, activities, interactions, and classroom environment convey high expectations for gifted

Yes Yes

Francis Scott Key biography online ( Close Reading Teacher Time Think, Pair, Share

Adapted from GA DOE GAPSS Analysis Classroom Instruction Observation Form and NAGC-CEC Teacher Standards for Gifted Education



Formative assessments are utilized during instruction to provide immediate evidence of student learning and to provide specific feedback to students. Classroom management is conducive to student learning. Instruction is provided in a safe and orderly environment. The teacher maximizes instructional time.


Continued to monitor students and allow them to use metacognition!!! Love it!!! Ms. Fredette also reminded each group of what is expected when she went to each group. On going praise!!! Tasks they completed Review close reading Peformance Task Your students knew the routines in your classroom. Organized; Neat; Environment is conducive for wanting to learn! I was engaged in the lesson and also asked a group a few questions! No down time!!!

Planning and Organization

Yes Yes Yes

You are doing an awesome job with your endorsement!!! I see you doing NO LESS than great things in your career in education!!!

School Culture

The culture of the classroom reflects a risk-free learning environment.


Wonderful learning environment!!! This is also reflective on the culture of your school.

Overall Assessment

Below the Standard Absence of major components of a standard-based classroom as noted above prevented the gifted learners from meeting the goals of the lesson.

Approaching the Standard While students met the learning goals of the lesson, absence of major components of a standards-based classroom as noted above prevented the gifted learners from being fully challenged by the lesson to think critically and/or creatively.

Meets the Standard With implementation of 15-20 of the components of a standards-based classroom, the students met the learning goals and demonstrated critical and/or creative thinking.

Exceeds the Standard With full implementation of 17-20 of the components of a standards-based classroom, the students exceeded the learning goals and gained new insights that can be transferred beyond the discipline of study.

Adapted from GA DOE GAPSS Analysis Classroom Instruction Observation Form and NAGC-CEC Teacher Standards for Gifted Education

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