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CNC Machine Language G-Code List

G-Code is one of a number of computer code languages that are used to instruct CNC machining devices what motions they need to perform such as work coordinates, canned cycles, and multiple repetitive cycles. Industry has standardized on G-Code as its basic set of CNC machine codes. G-Code is the most popular programming language used for programming CNC machinery. ome G words alter the state of the machine so that it changes from cutting straight lines to cutting arcs. !ther G words cause the interpretation of numbers as millimeters rather than inches. ome G words set or remove tool length or diameter offsets. "elow is a complete listing of current codes.

G-Code G00 G01 G02 G03 G04 G05 G10 G12 G13 G17 G18 G19 G28 G34 G35 G3 G37 G40 G41 G42 G43 #apid $inear Interpolation $inear Interpolation


Clockwise Circular Interpolation Counter Clockwise Circular Interpolation %well &igh peed 'achining 'ode !ffset Input "y (rogram Clockwise Circle )ith *ntrance +nd *,it +rcs Counter Clockwise Circle )ith *ntrance +nd *,it +rcs --. (lane election /-- (lane election .-/ (lane election #eturn 0o #eference (oint pecial 1i,ed Cycle 2"olt &ole Circle3 pecial 1i,ed Cycle 2$ine +t +ngle3 pecial 1i,ed Cycle 2+rc3 pecial 1i,ed Cycle 2Grid3 0ool #adius Compensation Cancel 0ool #adius Compensation $eft 0ool #adius Compensation #ight 0ool $ength Compensation

G44 G45 G4 G50!1 G51!1 G52

0ool $ength Compensation Cancel 0ool !ffset Increase 0ool !ffset %ecrease (rogrammed 'irror Image Cancel (rogrammed 'irror Image !n $ocal Coordinate etting

G54 - G59 )ork Coordinate #egisters 4 0hru 5 G 0 G 1 G 5 G G 8 G 9 G73 G74 G7 G80 G81 G82 G83 G84 G85 G8 G87 G88 G89 G90 G91 G92 6nidirectional (ositioning *,act top Check 'ode 'acro Call 2Non 'odal3 'acro Call 2'odal3 (rogrammed Coordinate #otation Coordinate #otation Cancel 1i,ed Cycle 2 tep3 1i,ed Cycle 2#everse 0apping3 1i,ed Cycle 21ine "oring3 1i,ed Cycle Cancel 1i,ed Cycle 2%rilling 7 pot %rilling3 1i,ed Cycle 2%rilling 7 Counter "oring3 1i,ed Cycle 2%eep &ole %rilling3 1i,ed Cycle 20apping3 1i,ed Cycle 2"oring3 1i,ed Cycle 2"oring3 1i,ed Cycle 2"ack "oring3 1i,ed Cycle 2"oring3 1i,ed Cycle 2"oring3 +bsolute 8alue Command Incremental 8alue Command )ork !ffset et

G101 G102 G103 G104 G105 G10 G107 G108 G109 G110 G200 G201 G202

6ser macro 4 2substitution3 9 6ser macro 4 2addition3 : 6ser macro 4 2subtraction3 6ser macro 4 2multiplication3 ; 6ser macro 4 2division3 7 6ser macro 4 2s<uare root3 6ser macro 4 2sine3 sin 6ser macro 4 2cosine3 cos 6ser macro 4 2arc tangent3 tan 6ser macro 2s<uare root3 6ser macro 4 2unconditional branch3 6ser macro 4 2zero condition branch3 6ser macro 2negative condition branch3

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