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Colin was in the house one Saturday morning when he heard his mother talking in a low voice on the phone to a family friend called Mary. He moved quietly to the door of the living room so that he could hear more clearly what his mother was talking about on the phone. As he listened, Colin realised that Mary was upset about something. Colins mother was trying to comfort her. Later in the day, he asked his mother what was wrong. His mother told him that John (Marys husband) had been in a hurry to get to a meeting the day before and that he had been involved in a collision in which someone was seriously hurt. He had been questioned about the incident and was likely to be charged with dangerous driving. Colins mother said that she was telling him because she trusted him and because she wanted him to be aware that something was wrong. She asked him not to say anything about it to anyone else. Colin didnt really like John and Mary. As a young child, he had played with their son, Eoin, whenever they visited. Colin thought Eoin was very spoiled and stuck up. They were now in the same class in secondary school and Colin still didnt like Eoin. Eoin always seemed to be just ahead of him in everything. He was on the schools hurling team in the last match, while Colin was a sub. He pipped him at the post in the last Maths test and made a big deal of asking Colin what he got in front of everyone. He had the latest Iphone 5c which he waved about everywhere. Colin smiled and then thought for a few minutes. He picked up his own phone and keyed in a text message to his best friend. Have I got news for you about Eoin Walsh?

1. Colin has done a number of things that might be described as wrong. What are these things? 2. What makes these actions wrong? 3. Who is affected directly by these actions? 4. Who is affected less directly? 5. What are the likely short-term consequences of Colins actions? 6. What are the likely long-term consequences? 7. How will Colins actions affect his relationship with (a) his mother (b) Eoin (c) his own friends? 8. What does this story tell us about Colin?

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