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Advertising & Public Relations

;7 T/ler Ridge' <hite Sulphur Springs' <V 7;"= * $# ">#?"7; vkmatheson@libert/.edu

Seeking a paid summer internship with The Greenbrier Resort in the field of Advertising and Public Relations.

The Greenbrier - Tennis Clerk: (Summer !!" # Summer !$ % Tennis &lerk at the Greenbrier Tennis &lub. Responsibilities included providing service to guests' answering the phone' making reservations' retail sales' maintaining a clean and organi(ed fitness center' operating the cash register' and instructing cro)uet. The Greenbrier - Group Fitness Instructor: (Summer !$*% A&+ (American &ouncil on +,ercise% &ertified
Group -itness .nstructor for the Greenbrier -itness &enter. Responsibilities included teaching one to two group e,ercise classes per da/' e,plaining comple, workouts to guests' and leading a class of all different levels of e,perience.

Home- ase! E- a" usiness: ( !$ #Present% +#0a/ Power Seller. Purchased' listed' and sold at retail various merchandise1 dealt with customers and hundreds of successful transactions. Visit m/ account' 2stylemecheap,3 on +#0a/ to see over *!! accounts of positive feedback. #ibert" $niversit" - %tu!ent #ea!ership: ( !$ #Present% .nvolved in Student leadership for 4ibert/ 5niversit/ for three consecutive school /ears. Responsibilities included leading a weekl/ 0ible stud/' attending weekl/ meetings' submitting paperwork' and dealing with an/ crisis on the residential halls.

#ibert" $niversit": Graduating 6ecember !$7 with a 0S in &ommunication8 Advertising 9 Public Relations ma:ors.


Aaster/ of Aicrosoft Bffice Programs such as <ord and PowerPoint. +,perience with Aicrosoft +,cel. Aaster/ of Adobe .n6esign and e,perience with Adobe .llustrator 6eanCs 4ist at 4ibert/ 5niversit/ Good communication skills +,perience with guest relations 4eadership skills learned from Student 4eadership and teaching fitness classes Aanaged over ?!! transactions on +0a/ and remained Power#Seller status +,cellent with computers (Aac and P&% +n:o/ writing for the mass media &o#6esigned a $=#page maga(ine with three of m/ classmates for an upper level advertising class. Received an A. Responsible &reative Punctual

D References will be provided upon re)uest.

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